Central Remedial Clinic

.... I would have more respect for some of the people in Mountjoy.

same as that. The white collar abuse/advantage of the systems in this country (to put it mildly and not say something libelous) is sickening and shameful. How some of them can actually walk down the streets or dander into their posh golf clubs and not feel the need to hide out of sight is beyond me...I could'nt do it.
The abuse is bad enough to almost make me a socialist!
I find this story particularly distressing. I can see it is being pointed out here that this has happened before etc, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept. I see this as greed at its very worst. Yes, of course, people have to be paid, but this thing of 'top ups' on top of already more than generous salaries...and then to find where they are being funded from, is truly upsetting.
Like a lot of people, I have fund raised over the years for charities dear to my heart. I think this will do a great deal of harm to all charities. I saw two elderly people,last weekend, sitting patiently selling the 'buy a bear, show you care'. I didn't see anyone stopping to buy.
One comment really struck me by one of those answering to PAC during the week. I'm paraphrasing here but it was along the lines of "I really did feel bad knowing the money I was receiving was from charitable donations but at the end of the day I was entitled to it so I took it". It really sickened me to see just how immoral people can get when it comes to money. I probably have too idealistic and naive a view of charities but I honestly did feel that those involved in running them were doing so having a good moral compass and with the best intentions.
Now that may be the case for a large number of the charities in this country but for me there is now a doubt where previously there was none. As others have said I think this story will do a great deal of harm to all charities.
Purple I hear what you're saying about the fact that there is nothing new in this story in one regard, in that those at the top of some charities have been well paid for a long time, but for me the one part of this story that I cannot abide is that the initial salary here was already quite generous and nobody could claim that the topup was required or morally justified - it just smacks of pure greed and a lack of any moral compass on behalf of those involved.
From the CRC mission statement:

We agree to be prudent and, whenever possible, resourceful, in our use of time and money on the Clinic’s behalf and to participate willingly and enthusiastically in all appropriate activities intended to improve the availability of these essential resources.

To be fair, they were resourceful.

By the way, I challenge people to go on the CRC website and try and find their annual report. Nothing like transparency.
I agree about Ross. He does some good work but he is quick to forget his own past and loves the sound of his own voice.


The PAC has become theatre, with the politicians playing to the galleries. They would be better served, IMHO, by giving up on the feigned incredulity and focus on getting at the facts.