Cash transfer to CC a/c with CC number only?


Registered User
I need to transfer money to somebody's CC account but only have their CC number and not the actual CC account IBAN number. Is there any way to effect the transfer?
Oh - think I have it. It's an MBNA card and it looks like you use their main bank a/c details and put the card number in the payment reference field.
Actually now I wonder if that's just for overseas payments into the card account? Anybody here know if this also works (as quickly as possible!) for domestic transfers or if there is a better way? As you can guess it's an emergency...
Unsure if this info. will be any good to you.

I transferred money recently from a BOI a/c to an Ulster Bank a/c. Completed with the IBAN/BIC etc. The form was for the EU but also used for domestic transfers. It took about three/four working days. They did advise though that if I went through UB that it wouldn't take as long. Presumably I'd have had to take a draft to UB.

Forgot to say that I think that I could also have completed it faster by using the 'express' option (for a fee).
Thanks. Another FAQ on the MBNA site confirmed that the bank details I mentioned above are good for normal domestic payments. But I also discovered that the cash advance fees and interest charges apply even if the account is in credit so the person in question is going to be hit by them anyway. Oh well.
Hi ClubMan

Do you have a friend who has a Merchant Account? Could they issue a credit to your friend. So let's say you give them €1,000, they would credit this (less the 3% charge) to your friend's account. I think it would be instant.

If it's an emergency, could they ring MBNA and request a credit limit increase, which would take immediate effect? They could then draw the cash against their new increased limit and you could sort out the re-imbursement at a more leisurely pace.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Do you have a friend who has a Merchant Account? Could they issue a credit to your friend. So let's say you give them €1,000, they would credit this (less the 3% charge) to your friend's account. I think it would be instant.
Unfortunately I don't know anybody like that. In any case even if there is a credit balance they get hit with cash advance and/or interest fees on the MBNA card it seems so there's no great advantage in lodging the money as far as I can see. That's a real pain. I'm glad I have a PTSB VISA which doesn't do this if the account is in credit and does not charge interest immediately (just the cash advance fee of 1.5%) on cash advances.
If it's an emergency, could they ring MBNA and request a credit limit increase, which would take immediate effect? They could then draw the cash against their new increased limit and you could sort out the re-imbursement at a more leisurely pace.
They have plenty of credit limit but I thought that they could avoid cash advance/withdrawal charges if there was money in the account. Seemingly not with MBNA. I have effected the transfer using the MBNA bank details above anyway and will see if it works.

Moral of the story? Always use a packing list when going on holidays!
I know it's too late but what you also could do is go to and add MBNA with your friends CC number there.

Payments are usualy there the next evening arround 1900 and billpay takes it either from your bank account or laser card.

I found faster than transfer directly to MBNA's bank account.
Thanks. After a nightmare with Billpay a few years back I gave up on it never to return.
I did this recently, and according to my bank, PermanentTSB, the CC number was enough information for them to process the transfer.

I had the account number, but was told I didn't need it.

I need to transfer money to somebody's CC account but only have their CC number and not the actual CC account IBAN number. Is there any way to effect the transfer?
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