Carbon Tax ?

Re: Carbon tax - what form would it take?

Here is an ESRI working paper on a carbon tax

[broken link removed]
Re: Carbon tax - what form would it take?

As regards transport I would go with the idea that car tax is scrapped altogether and that this charge instead goes onto the fuel so that those who travel the most and hence pollute the most pay the most.

I would almost guarantee that within 5yrs of the car tax being abolished we would see the introduction of a 'car levy' of some sort and that within another 5yrs we would be back to where we started with car tax, but also have higher fuel taxes. Similar stuff has happened before in Ireland.

I do think we will see some sort of carbon tax pretty soon. It will have nothing to do with the environment but instead will serve to make up the hole in the govt coffers due to the construction collapse. Cowan will pin it on the greens, and the combination of higher taxes and a worse economy will have bad electoral consequences for the greens.
(my predictions only and nothing to substantiate them)
Re: Carbon tax - what form would it take?

I don't think anyone chose to not be able to afford prices of houses nearer the city...

Come now, they are plenty of (relatively) affordable houses in the city. I've lost count of the number of people who told me they had "no choice" but to purchase a €400k house in the commuter belt because houses in Dublin had become too expensive.

A quick trawl on Daft reveals nearly one and a half thousand 3 bed houses in Dublin in this price range.

Apologies for dragging things OT. Suffice to say, I agree with soy - we'll get nailed with a carbon tax to bail out the profligacies of the present administration.
They will no doubt be as inventive as they can with this. And by inventive, I don't mean genius. I mean they'll have bits of it here and there so we won't 'notice' it too much.

Thing is, any form of carbon tax is going to push up inflation. A carbon tax on diesel and petrol pushes up the cost of delivery of goods and thus pushes up prices here yet again. Our country is already expensive by European standards. Our tourism industry would be badly hit.

They may well add more tax to flights, thus making it harder for us to get the heck out of here!

Any way you look at it, it's hard to escape the fact that we are going back to the 80's.