Car stickers for the times we live in

A bit long but how about 'I can see clearly now the cranes have gone'
Or if the sticker is large enough -----------

I can see clearly now the cranes have gone
All of the builders jeeps have disappeared
Gone are the big queues for the breakfast rolls
Theres goin' to be a long long wait signing on today.
Lots done, more to do...if we ever get elected again!
I owe, I off to work I go!
It's only a negative increase.
There's always a job in Brussels if things don't work out.
This is a Green car run by a dirty old engine but at least the interior smells nice.
If you've lost your job, feeling down, house under threat, college fees due, think that things are bad...try sleeping with Mary Harney after she's had 4 packs of cheese and onion Taytos!

Not really relevent but I seen this and thought sign of the times!!