I'm in a similar situation to Rossie, I'm very confused as to exactly where I stand with regards to my 1/2 Amount, and I'm with the same lender as she is, they can be prickly to deal with to say the least. So I'm holding off on contacting them until I absolutely have to.
Would anybody be able to shed any light on this for me?
I Entered into a HP Agreement with PTSB in January 08.
Repayments of €250/month for 12 months, followed by €32,570 balloon payment.
Hire Purchase Price, as per contract, was €35,695.00.
Half Rule Price in contract is noted as €17,847.50.
I was unable to make the balloon payment, and then paid €350/month for 4 months, this was agreed with them.
Payments then increased to €661.65/month in June 09, and I have been making those payments ever since.
I recently contacted them and they confirmed that my finance is still a Hire Purchase, and they sent me out a copy of the original agreement, along with a full account statement.
The opening balance on the statement (from Jan 08) is €44,079.
The outstanding balance on the statement (as per Jan 11) is €27,157.58.
So I have so far paid €16,921.42.
My question(s);
Does the original Half Rule Price still apply to me? As in, am I only €926.08 away from meeting the Half Valuation, at which point I could hand back the keys?
Do I now have to have paid half of the €44,079 amount (€22,039.50)?
Do I in fact still have to reduce my outstanding balance from €27,157.58 to the Half Rule Price?
The reason I ask is that the section in the agreement that deals with this is worded quite badly;
"1. The Hirer may put an end to this Agreement by giving notice of termination in writing....
"2. The Hirer must then...
i) Pay any instalments which are in arrears at the time when he gives notice, and
ii) if, when the Hirer has paid those instalments [any arrears], the total amount under the Agreement is less than €17847.50, the Hirer must also pay enough to make up that sum"
Any help greatly appreciated