Car Insurance - Owner


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we have two family cars, both registered in my name. I am the main insured on one car and my wife is the main insured (ie principal driver and insured as the main driver) on the other car. does it matter that my wife is not the owner on the car, she's the main insured?


As far as I know, you or your spouse need to own the car to be the main insured party on policy.

So this is fine.
Insurance documents become the most scrutinized pieces of paper in the event of a claim, id have that confirmed for peace of mind.
does it matter that my wife is not the owner on the car,
I think it depends on the insurer, some seem to have you only, others have you or your spouse /partner.

I’m with Allianz, in their assumptions under ‘’your car’’, it assumes the car is owned by you, and registered in your name.

Mrs. two is with Aviva, in their assumptions under ‘’your car’’ it assumes the car is owned and mainly driven by you or your spouse/partner. and registered in you or your spouse / partners name.
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I agree with LS400, but as an aside, if you are married, from a legal point of view, i thought that all assets are automatically jointly owned (i am not a legal person, so that could be totally wrong).