Motor Car insurance: best comparison websites


Registered User
The best buys thread is a little out of date, and a quick search isn't throwing up anything recent that I can see.

Anyone want to add the best comparison websites? or brokers or insurers?

Like washing powder, some of these sites are the same product sold under different brands.

Do some of them only use certain companies? or is that no longer a thing?
We dont have any true comparison sites. Every site is operated by a broker and each broker may or may not get you a different price with the same insurer!! I generally try two broker sites and then all the insurance companies own ones myself.
Eh well i work in a brokers. So that department within our own office. And then somewhere like Chill. And then I'll probably have a quick look at its for as well. Although i think they are tied to AIG even though they are a broker.