I think the real issue is short term thinking vs long term thinking. The current crisis is caused by people trying to make big gains on short term strategies without thinking about the long term consequences. (e.g. creating a property bubble which will eventually have to burst)
The trouble is that you can't simply reform the focus on the short-term out of capitalism. It's central to it. If you look at the motivation of each of the participants in capitalist economics, they are all motivated to increase profits in the short term. Capitalist theory says that all those individual short term focused decisions will be led by the invisible hand to benefit the long-term interest of all. Unfortunately that just doesn't happen. If a CEO or a bank boss doesn't focus on short-term profits he will be replaced by one who will. You could attempt to regulate to avoid the problems that the short-term outlook of markets causes, but within capitalism, regulation causes its own problems. It also gets dismantled again on a regular basis since those with the motivation to dismantle it also have the wealth and influence to get it done.