What a load of crap, get your facts right and check my posts and no I dont spend my time in the overseas folder and I am entitled to have an interest in overseas property as I own property overseas and for all you begrudgers yes they all are good investments. including Cape Verde. Regarding my post in putting someone in touch with a mortgage broker in Portugal this was in reply to people who were going to lose a large sum of money and I was trying to help them. I thought that is what this site is all about, but obviously not by some of the smart alecs posting. Dont bother replying as I wont be wasting my time reading it or posting h again.
As for Cancan & Wexford Guy - ye could both do with a bit of sunshine to brighten up your begrudging negative attitudes, no wonder we have a recession with the likes of you guys around so cheer up and follow the Sun and I wouldent waste a postage stamp on you.

For those genuine members interested in Cape Verde log on to the capeverde24.com website which is far more helpful than this and the moderator doesen't keep interfering with smart incorrect comments.
Over and out for good.