cant cope

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Hi helen

what a terrible worry you must have. you have gotten some great suggestions here though. I would just like to add my tuppence worth

I would definately recommend the rent a room scheme. I do it myself and I definately would be struggling without it. I know you said that you live in a small town, but you never know. put an add up on daft and in your local supermarket. Also, have you considered taking in Spanish students? I know even the smallest of towns get language students in the summertime. you would just have to provide breakfast, a packed lunch and an evening meal.

Babysitting is definately something else to think about. Again, put an ad up in your local supermarket and ask around. Even if it is just the odd Friday or Saturday night. I bet people would be delighted to have a mature, experienced lady like you looking after their kids rather than a 15 year old. Also you have your own transport so they wouldnt have to pay for a taxi to get you home at the end of the night.

Buy the nappies in Lidl or Aldi. My sister used to do this when her kids were all in nappies and she saved a fortune as she used to get them in Tescos. She found them fine.

Apply for a medical card / doctor only card. You have a small baby so I'm sure there are lots of trips to the doctor.

As for clothes for the baby, do you have any friends or family with kids that you could get hand me downs from? most kids clothes are immaculate when they grow out of them, and are perfect for another child to wear. I'm sure your child will benefit a lot more for having happy healthy parents than new clothes.
Hi all..i want to start by thanking everone for there kindness and advice to me.
well the past few days iv been thinking more clearly.idid not contact mabs only because i decided to contact a close relation who has over 30years experiance in financial advising & he helped me.Basicly i have the mbna cc sorted for a few months there giving us breathing space to get back on track & set us a repayment of €70 a month.all my other loans will remain the same but thats only because Nib wont budge.But my local branch manager is going to see can he get a refund of late fees and some interest for me to take me out of arrers.also iv cancelled sky,down gradeded eircom & got a great deal on my car insurance where i got me & dh €44 less a month.its amazing what you get whe you threaten to cancel!!I asked at work for a few more hours & i got them so il have about an extra 100 a month.
Generally i just feel brighter now that im dealing with them.i know il proberly have a big black tick against my name because iv asked credit card companies for relief but im not bothered.
things will be tight for awhile especially at xmas.(and my car tax is due too) ut il muddle through hopefully.
Thanks once again
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So happy to see you're getting on track Helens that's excellent news. Keep up the good work and you'll be back on track quicker than you know. Great to hear things are good.
I would still contact MABS.
What you need is a permament solution not a temporary one.Best of luck
I would also contact MABS Helens.

Just like to say all ye AAM posters are great, just like a big bunch of buddies, tis nice to know ye are out there.
thanks..i think when we get on track with paying all arrears off i will be able to make the full cc repayments monthly & at least theyl be paid off was like like there was sooo much monly going elsewhere that i didnt even other posters said the money is there its just i wasnt managing it well.infact terribly!!
i know il proberly have a big black tick against my name because iv asked credit card companies for relief but im not bothered

I'm not sure you will helens, you should be ok. You've approached them with your situation and they've agreed it so I don't think it's the same as deafulting and paying nothing back to them.
I'm not sure you will helens, you should be ok. You've approached them with your situation and they've agreed it so I don't think it's the same as deafulting and paying nothing back to them.
yeah iv never missed a payment but the past few months iv been my €50 short on my nib cc.there proving to be trickey.apparently because i was using e-banking for transferring money from my current ac to my cc weekly rather than monthly (maybe 30 a week) there system wasnt recognising this as its set up to recognise monthly payments on cc like if i made a payment on €30 on the payment date it only recognised that not all the other €30's before it.Thats why my manager said hewas going to try & get refunds on late fees.
so basicly when i get my cc statement i should go in with the giro slip & pay the full amount once a month

That doesn't sound right - I pay my credit card on a weekly basis and all payments that are made before the payment date are recognised on my statement. It's possible that a payment made on the actual payment date wasn't making it to your credit card account on time, meaning you were falling short of the minimum payment. If at all possible, try to ensure that the final instalment of your minimum payment is made 2 or 3 days before the payment date.
As above, MABS can and will help, you need to get into a positive frame of mind and get a "I can beat this thing" attitude.

Contact MABS and let us know how you get on.

i agree with the above. i know it might sound trite or flippant but try and keep upbeat and positive.
my heart goes out to you helens, i hope things turn around for you.
Hi Helen,
I've read through all the posts on this, and I have to agree that you should definitely go to Mabs. Another thing that I think is an absolute must, and this has been mentioned by others - is an exact accounting of your spending, to the exact cent. If you're can use a spreadsheet it's really perfect for this.
I'm glad you got a breather on one of your CC's but this is the time to pay as much off that as you possibly can, and that is also the case even if you switch to a 0%, as this is either actually or potentially the highest interest you pay.
I'm glad too that you switched your plan with Eircom, but I'd also check out a few other companies, maybe Perlico or Imagine, but check to see if you're free contractually to switch your broadband first, to see how they compare. Try to get a package that suits what your call pattern needs to be.
Good luck with it and be disciplined and mean! and your nightmare will end. If you need help with the spreadsheet idea leave me a private message and I'll give you a hand with it.
All the best.
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