im not sure sure itl proberly continue on next year untill its paid off.will this be sorted out by next tax year so that his nett income increases?
im not sure sure itl proberly continue on next year untill its paid off.
hes only back working 6 weeks
havnt rung mags whingey child in the back round i couldnt reallysee how they can helpme though.i know there great and that but there just isnt enough cash to go round and thats whats wrong
havnt rung mags whingey child in the back round i couldnt reallysee how they can helpme though.i know there great and that but there just isnt enough cash to go round and thats whats wrong
Thank you for your kind not whining about it or aything near just consumed by it.i rung mbna ad theyv agreeded a min payment of €70 a month for a while to help.Helens, there is not enough cash because if you let it run it will just get worse.
MABS have a way of encouraging the lenders to freeze interest, even if it was only on credit card and no more late payment fees , you could be talking an extra maybe €200 euro freed up to use to bring down other bills.
If they manage to persuade all lenders to freeze your interest, and set up the credit union account to pay all bills on time you will be surprised how much cash is suddenly at hand.
Please, get someone to mind the little one, go get it sorted. It is twice as hard when you try to do these things with children and you are probably not in the best of form with them because of this money flow situation.
Go do it girl, your well able to.
Thank you,my family have offered to buy some shopping for me if im badly stuck.If things are desperate (need money for food etc) send me an email. I'm not sure what your current situation is, but your first post sounded pretty serious! The financial advice is great but you may have immediate needs.