Can this be legal?


Registered User
I opened a new bank account with a certain bank a few weeks ago.
I was told when I recieved the number all was well and the account was set up.
I rang the bank 7 - 10 days later to sort internet banking and find out about transfering some money into the account.
It hadn't been set up yet, so I was forced to call into the bank personally to be fobbed off with some rubbish.

In the mean time I had filled out DD mandates on new a/c and went away last week on my hols.

When I finally got internet banking set up, I see theres a charge for a DD which bounced on the day the account opened for almost €13 ?

Surely the bank cannot charge me for not having money in an account when I had tried to put cash into it, but couldn't because of their incompetence ?
Had you furnished them with all the appropriate anti-fraud paperwork.... ID, household bill, etc?

Not sure about regular bank accounts, but I know that, after applying over the phone, a certain CC provider sent someone I know a new card followed by a statement a month later, despite that person choosing not to "activate" the card and never forwarding any anti-fraud documentation.
It does sound like the bank are at fault for not having your account set up when they said they had. Have you complained? I would put it in writing, outlining dates etc. and ask for a refund of the returned DD charge.

Use of the word 'illegal' is a little OTT-it seems like an error alright, but nothing more than that.
Yea, illegal was a bit OTT, I was fuming.
Got a call today to say they had messed up and would refund me the money asap, which is fair.
The cost of getting a new customer is not insignificant, for the paltry sum of 13 Euro, the bank would be idiots not to go out of their way to sort you out.

Over here the banks are paying up to $25 to new customers just to open an account, and up to $35 to existing customers who get a friend to open an account.

Of course they'll hit you with a $35 fee if you're overdrawn, so that 13 Euro doesn't seem so bad.

The cost of getting a new customer is not insignificant, for the paltry sum of 13 Euro, the bank would be idiots not to go out of their way to sort you out.
Sadly, I don't think the frontline staff in most banks here think like that.