Other posters to this thread have said: “The morals we all have are subjective”; “I think we can safely say there is 'bad behaviour' ie rape, violence, child sex industry and 'good behaviour' ie being there for someone in times of need etc” and “”Good" and "moral" are subjective terms in my opinion. As such there is no guaranteed commonality or agreed frame of reference when discussing them.”
[FONT="]These views are largely nonsense. Rape, violence, child sex are not wrong because of our subjective view on these issue but because objectively the perpetrators of rape, violence, child sex crimes deny the primacy of the life of the victim. Immoral acts impose violence against the victim and are immoral for that reason, not because we think they are 'immoral’, Subjectivity has nothing to do with it – neither has religion or god. There is a distinct moral chasm between the criminal and the victim, because no one has the right to impose their will on another by violence or otherwise. True morality is based on rationality and respect for the life and free will of the individual - not on religion. [/FONT]