Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solicitor?

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Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

On that point, thread moved to Askaboutlaw. This doesn't really have anything to do with Cars and Motoring.

Objection, judge! Don't see what it has to do with law either...
Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

put a cctv camara in you car park illegally and see what happens (maybe put it on utube for the crack)

dont know how to wire one myself. may be try an auto electrican
Re: parking ticket question


I do not intend to park legally i.e pay and display anymore until the tw admits the lie. I am happy to go to court because i can prove what was said. I just wondered if it was legal to state so on the screen

I intend to, thanks

Isnt this a bit foolish. Essentially your saying that because you had a difficulty with a local authority employee, you have carte blanche to break the law? I just dont get it. What gives you the right to be above the Law? As a citizen of this country I hope that if you park illegally they throw the book at you - you are showing total and utter selfish comtempt for your fellow citizens.
Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

Are you having a Whammy Burger moment, rlj?

Re: parking ticket question

I do not intend to park legally i.e pay and display anymore until the tw admits the lie. I am happy to go to court because i can prove what was said.

Are you just plain silly because that's the way you are coming across? That's the daftest idea I've heard in a long time.

Just because the traffic warden MAY have been a twat you think you can break the law?

What exactly did the traffic warden do to you that is so grievous to make you so vexed ?
Re: parking ticket question

Isnt this a bit foolish. Essentially your saying that because you had a difficulty with a local authority employee, you have carte blanche to break the law? I just dont get it. What gives you the right to be above the Law? As a citizen of this country I hope that if you park illegally they throw the book at you - you are showing total and utter selfish comtempt for your fellow citizens.
what gives the local authority employee right to lie about me. You are entitled to your opinion. i do not agree
Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

rlj take the advice being given here. You're coming across as extremely immature by associating a personal conflict with one warden with a right to break the law. I think you need to act a little bit more maturely here and accept the advice given by others in this thread.
Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

Firstly if you do not pay your parking charges, you will be at best fined, at worst, have your car clamped and towed away. The fact that you have a dispute with the council is irrelevant, a judge is not employed by the council and will enforce the law, clamping firms are not coucil employees and frankly won't give 2 hoots if you have a dispute with the council, they will simply hold your car until you give them money. If you think not paying parking charges in some way will get the councils attention or give you the moral high ground then you are very wrong and are simply being a complete and utter prat. Sorry to be blunt, it has to be said. All that will happen is you will end up with no car and a couple of grand in fines.

However, if you believe you have a genuine grievance against a council employee and the way your complaint was handled, then you have 3 options. Depending on what the employee said, who they said it to and how they said it, then you may have grounds for taking a case of slander or libel against the TW, council or both. Either case will be expensive, you run the risk of loosing and should take serious legal advice before embarking on such a course

If you feel you were abused or threatened in anyway by the TW, make a formal complaint with the Gardai

The other option (and the one I'd recommend) is to contact the Ombudsmans office and raise a complaint via that means. See attached
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Re: Can I put a notice on my car tosay any parking tickets will be referred to solici

Firstly if you do not pay your parking charges, you will be at best fined, at worst, have your car clamped and towed away. The fact that you have a dispute with the council is irrelevant, a judge is not employed by the council and will enforce the law, clamping firms are not coucil employees and frankly won't give 2 hoots if you have a dispute with the council, they will simply hold your car until you give them money. If you think not paying parking charges in some way will get the councils attention or give you the moral high ground then you are very wrong and are simply being a complete and utter prat. Sorry to be blunt, it has to be said. All that will happen is you will end up with no car and a couple of grand in fines.

However, if you believe you have a genuine grievance against a council employee and the way your complaint was handled, then you have 3 options. Depending on what the employee said, who they said it to and how they said it, then you may have grounds for taking a case of slander or libel against the TW, council or both. Either case will be expensive, you run the risk of loosing and should take serious legal advice before embarking on such a course

If you feel you were abused or threatened in anyway by the TW, make a formal complaint with the Gardai

The other option (and the one I'd recommend) is to contact the Ombudsmans office and raise a complaint via that means. See attached
[broken link removed]
There is no case for libel when there are no witnesses.
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