I signed a contract to purchase an apartment as an investment in April 2006 when times were a lot different to doday. It was supposed to be completed in 'early 2008'. Now it looks like it will be completed sometime in 2009 as work is eventually progressing at a fast pace.
How can I get out of the purchase as it now makes no sense and my mortgage approval has lapsed. I see no chance of the bank lending to me on a 5 year interest only basis as originally approved.
Is there anything I can do?
Yes, bearing in mind you cannot and should not act unlawfully to frustrate the sale, you can certainly make sure you're getting what you are being asked to pay for - a compliant, competently built building.
Although the below advice seems exhaustive it is not. You should retain a competent inspecting architect and design team to undertake this level of inspection and make sure they are supported by a good combative, but not abusive, solicitor.
Firstly, don't do or say anything that may affect your negotiating position and your solicitor can advise you on this. The below is a fairly hard-nosed approach to putting the developer/builder/design team through the hoops just before a closing.
While you may be forced to complete eventually there may be quite legal ways to delay handing over the money for an extended period or to make it easier for the developer to let you go on your merry way.
Here is some food for thought.
Check the small print on your contract closely
Contracts are sometimes self-defeating. Your eagle-eyed brief may find that all has not been carried out strictly per the terms of the contract and it may be possible to declare it null and void on a technical matter. Unlikely, but it should still be checked. See what is supposed to be acceptable in terms of completion dates and what you are permitted to do in the event of a dispute.
If your inspecting team [see below] discover defects and these defects are significant and your solicitor can come up with supporting argument/ precedent, it may be possible to rescind the contract. I am mindful of comments by others suggesting that the contract may favour the developer. This may itself may be a weakness if the courts take a view on this following a flood of similar cases coming before them.
Inspect the Building minutely
Have you had the property and the development in which it is situated competently surveyed? Very few buildings are perfect and a competent inspecting architect, engineer and mechanical and electrical engineer can usually find one or two items it can cost money to put right.
Building Regulations Compliance items are the ones to look for, but even small defects can cripple profitability if there are enough of them and they are repeated throughout the scheme. Using a borescope to check that insulation is where its supposed to be in cavity wall construction, for example, can show up missing wall ties, displaced DPMs et cetera.
In particular, Fire Safety issues are the ones to look at.
Have all the Fire Doors been properly installed:
- 3 mm gap max
- self-closers working
- tumbler operated locks
- intumescent seals and smoke seals in place where required
- ironmongery bedded in intumescent paste - if required by the cert for the Fire Door and Doorsets.
Are all the Fire Exit Routes complete, with
- good footing
- clear of obstructions
- in compliance with Parts B, K and M
- minimum 2M clear except for door frames
- doors opening in the direction of travel [except in the middle of corridors]
- no locks on final exit doors
- are the stairs made from non-combustible material
- leading to a final exit across safe footing free from builders debris, rubble and impediments to the Public Domain?
What about the Safety Health and Welfare and Work Regulations. The latter may apply in apartments in relation to where maintenance personnel may have to work.
Are all the building services complete and commissioned apart from the Fire Safety ones? Water, electricity, gas, air-con/heat exchanger, security?
Are there any obvious building defects:
- are there any plumbing leaks with follow-on consequential damage to fit out, surfaces and/or insulation?
- are parts of the building missing - cladding, roofing tiles, paving stones, handrails?
- are there problems with condensation, or damp stains suggesting cold bridges?
- are there adequate ventilation ducts with the correct overrun times for extract fans for bathrooms, shower rooms and/or kitchen
- are all kitchen and bathroom fittings working and installed per specification?
- is the tiling done?
Examine the Certification Closely
Check the detail of the Opinions being offered by the architect and the Schedule A assurances/certificates supporting them from
- the structural and civil engineer,
- the mechanical and electrical engineer,
- the fire safety consultant
- the sub-contractors and
- the specialist suppliers.
The Architects Opinion on Building Regulations should state that it relies on the the Schedule A Assurances, and that means the date on the Opinion should not be earlier than any of the dates on the supporting documentation.
All certs can be dated the same date, but the architects Opinion should otherwise show that the architect saw all the supporting documents before he signed [and dated] his Opinion. Similarly, the Inspection date cannot precede the Issue date.
In the Opinion on Planning, the date of inspection of the planning documents must be a date on which the planning authority offices is open to allow such an inspection, unless online inspection is claimed. Where this is claimed the quality and completeness of the online documentation should be checked. Similarly, the Inspection date cannot precede the Issue date.
Check to see if there are any enforcement warning letters or proceedings are already under way against the builder or the developer on either this or any other job they have undertaken, either separately or together. learn from this.
Check to see if any notices to quit or desist have been served by either the Fire Prevention Section or the Health and Safety Authority.
Check to see if any vandalism or damage by others that may have occurred during the buildign programme has been made good, particularly fire damage or arson attack and see who oversaw the work and who certified the repair.
Demand a complete set of documents to cover everything, because as a Member of the Management company, its your sinking fund that will pay for future defects after the builder goes. Investigate every new material, odd method of construction, or unique foundation type. Commissioning Certs and Manuals for everything should be available for inspection on the date.
Ask to see the test logs for the concrete cubes. Make sure any fire engineering solution has been fully tested i.e. its no point testing each item in isolation - the heat detector in the kitchen must activate the fire alarm siren, the zone board at the entrance as well as the atrium vent [for example] - if the cert doesn't state what actual testing was done, ask for verification in writing.
Ask for the Building Energy Rating Cert for your apartment.
Conclusion and Caveat
I cannot stress the following principle enough - accept nothing, question everything, including this advice.
As noted above, this is not an exhaustive advice note. Some or all of these inquiries may turn up useful information, some responses may only hint at troubles covered up. The developer, his professionals and/or the contractor may become aggressive or even abusive during your questioning - that's generally a good thing and don't let either it or vague threats from his legal team faze you.
Best of luck with it and revert here occasionally to let us know how you're getting on.