Beginning to think my accountant was wrong. However, according to the Revenue site "guide to Completing 2005 Pay & File Returns" allowable expenses include subsistence:
Expenses and Deductions [131 - 138]
131. Salaries/Wages, Staff costs - this includes all staff remuneration (taxed and untaxed), staff
training, redundancy payments, PRSI, pensions, etc. The owner’s wages should not be included but
should be input in ‘Drawings’, see 140 opposite.
132. Sub-Contractors - this relates to building, meat-processing and forestry businesses.
Sub-Contractors are those defined by Section 531 TCA 1997.
133. Consultancy, Professional fees - include audit, accountancy, legal, architect, auctioneer,
surveyor, etc.
****134. Motor, Travel and Subsistence - include fuel, tax, servicing, repairs, insurance, travel and
subsistence reimbursed to staff including motor expenses, country money, etc. *****
135. Repairs/Renewals - these are costs incurred in the maintenance and upkeep of the business
property and the running maintenance and upkeep of the business equipment and machinery.
Enhancements or improvements to property are not maintenance and, as capital, should be added
back in the Adjusted Profit Computation.
136. Depreciation, Goodwill/Capital write-off - depreciation relates to business assets provided for
during the accounting period. It should be added back in the Adjusted Profit Computation.
Goodwill/Capital write-off relates to any write-off of the value of assets during the accounting period.
It should also be added back in the Adjusted Profit Computation.
137. (a) Provisions including Bad Debts - do not include provision for depreciation.
(b) If the balance is a loss tick