Cabinet reshuffle


3.41pm: Brian Cowen also announced the setting up of a Public Service Board, which aims to accelerate public service reform in consultation with the unions.
The junior minister Dara Calleary will also be assigned to push through change in the public service.

The words "setting up" implies new

Apologies if I am incorrect though

Apologies, looks I heard it wrong.

3.41pm: Brian Cowen also announced the setting up of a Public Service Board, which aims to accelerate public service reform in consultation with the unions.
The junior minister Dara Calleary will also be assigned to push through change in the public service.

The words "setting up" implies new

Apologies if I am incorrect though
A 'board' is not necessarily a quango on its own - more likely to be a committee/working group/review group, I'd have thought.
Newspapers dont decide party leaders, parties do. If shes perceived as good enough by the party she will get the job. If another is perceived as better she wont. Either way newspapers much as they like to think they influence everything wont influence that decision.
This -
The media are like vultures to Mary.

Much of the criticism to her is tabloid hysteria.

She was expected by a mindless opposition to influence independant boards and cut up legal lease agreements.

quickly followed by this after some adverse feedback -
There is no magic wond. As a small country we have precious little choice but to wait untill an international pick up.

The day of EU tax harmonisation is on the way.

Irish politicians have yet to grasp the changed circumstances from Celtic Tiger madness.
is strongly indicative a serious lack of conviction and moral fibre and an inability to be true to your principles.

Either that or you're a FF supporter from Cork (which amounts to the same thing really). :)
The media are like vultures to Mary.

Much of the criticism to her is tabloid hysteria.

She was expected by a mindless opposition to influence independant boards and cut up legal lease agreements.
She was expected to solve problems effectively and ethically, not by paying off Roddy with hush-money at our expense.
The back benchers are getting restless.

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The back benchers are getting restless.

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So 3 FF TDs finally have questions about Cowan's leadership and only raise this the day after the Green TD in the same constituency gets a junior ministers job:rolleyes:

I'm getting far too cynical in my old age