Buying uk class 2 contributions


New Member
I originally set up a gateway id last December, unfortunately didn't keep a note of it , I went in this evening and set up a new one not thinking my previous one was still valid as didn't purchase any back years then , it's telling me that I need my original number , even though I went through all the process and got a id number this evening , it then came up and said i need my first initial one i got last december , can't access my forecast online now , anyway round this does anyone know ? Ive completed CF83 online ,printed it out , going to send it off via post tomorrow , be very grateful if anyone could help on a way around this problem if it can be sorted thanks
Check the email you used.

Gateway is for convience, you don't have to register to pay NICs; the important document is the CF83, which you have done.
Thank you for your reply , I'm not very tech savvy , just can't access online now and see my contribution details, years paid and unpaid, and was wondering if I could delete first ID number and stick to one I created yesterday evening . Yes I'm glad I managed to complete the CF83 and will get that.posted today, thanks again
My sister in law was in a similar situation but could not delete the first ID number. She searched her emails back to when she set it up and found the relevant details to continue with it, and then wrote them down for reference.