Buying opportunity in Vietnam fund?

Dont forget the currency aspect to this trade.

If you want exposure to emerging markets take a broader view like the emerging markets ETF, you dont know enough about the economics for this to be anything other then a punt.

Inflation increased to 25.2% in May, the currency is dangerously unstable, central bank hiking rates has not been able to slow inflation growth, and Vietnam will probably need an IMF intervention/currency devaluation in the coming months.

Read an article recently where the writer made a strong arguement that the decline in Vietnamese share prices is a bellweather for Asian markets in general.
i would argue that the 50% drop in the shanghai composite is far more of a bellweather for the asian markets and not vietnam
I would tend to look at the Shanghai B share Index, which is only off 42% from its peak ;).

Generally, the article waqs implying there more negative economic news flow coming from Asia, with Vietnam being the most vulnerable.
The fund has increased again, up 18% in about a week. I wonder if those who sold are not in panic stations anymore ( not thinking that vietnam is doomed forever ) and bought back again?
Seems strange to see a share dive so steeply, so quickly, then bounce up so fast.
I wouldn't have thought Vietnam's problems could be sorted in 2 weeks !
its just being its usual volatile self. you will have to be prepared to live with this if you buy into it