I did state that and I also stated thatNo no you stated that AAM does not encourage tax evasion. ...
IMO it's still a scheme to evade ...
Excellent, it's significant progress to be able to recognise and acknowledge that.... That sounds like you stating a fact to me. ...
Ignoring for a moment the obvious grammatical deficiencies in these two sentences, do you not have the courage to stand alone for something you believe in or is that might and mob rule make for right? Intellectual discourse does not require rabble-rousing and courageously held convictions and don't require "ganging-up".... I'm not the only one who seen it that way, read above. Your alone in your view of evasion. ...
Moving swiftly past the grammar problems, being alone doesn't make me wrong. Again the mob-rule mentality undermines any intellectual value in an argument, as does missing out on simple matters of fact; please read the thread again, but, much more importantly, familiarise yourself with the Revenue's protocol.... Your alone in your view of evasion...
Excellent, you got that one almost word perfect eventually, but again it's not up to me to explain your rationalisation of my posts.... You said its a scheme to evade, if not not illegal how can it be tax evasion ? ...
This puzzles me as a construct. On the one hand it appears to be a statement and as a statement I have to say it's false. As I did not set out to show how anything is or was evasion in any way, I have succeeded; as I just offered an opinion, that makes the statement false.... You have failed to show how it is evasion in any way ?
On the other hand it appears to be a question and as a question I have to say its puzzling as well in that it appears to be directed to me, querying me on the success or failure of an enterprise I never engaged in.
Yet again the construct could be one of those typed out versions of an antipodean interrogative, where the last part of a spoken sentence is articulated with a whiney rising inflection, implying some form of query, but generally regarded as being rhetorical at best, risible at worst.