building website

hi there people,
i want to build my own website. it will be for my business, nice clear but reasonably simple. but i will probably add features later.
i would like your suggestions on software and where to get it, hosting and anything else you think is important. any and all suggestions welcome

Dreamweaver is an expensive investment if your are aiming to create a relatively small uncomplicated website. Our own company offers an easy to use website builder which gives the option of adding ecommerce features, details can be found at
Its already been covered in detail so you are aware there is plenty of free software and you can get good hosting here in Ireland and abroad.

The thing to think about though is that what message do you want to give out from your website and do you want people to be able to find your site. It seems to me that you are investing a good bit of time and effort into this. If this is your business would you not be better investing that time in the business itself and let a company who can add more value looking after getting your business online and into Google?

Just an alternate way to think about it. For example if you spend 10 hours on this and you charge yourself €50 per hour. Thats €500 cost to you. That is assuming you only spend 10 hours on it. Soon you end up spending more than you would if you had outsourced it all but yet since you do it yourself you think its pretty much free.

Just an different viewpoint.
I would say dreamweaver, Flash, photoshop(for the images you need etc..) actually Ive done web pages in Photoshop and transportered them to dreamweaver (easy to compose layouts etc.. in photoshop) probably not the best way to go about it Im sure but honestly unless you know what you're doing etc...I would go to a graphic designer or a web designer(generally they're combined) and get them to do it for you!
You will get a pretty good looking website using wordpress. I use Blacknight (Irish based company) and you get wordpress installed for free. (Hosting and domain for under €56 a year) Dreamweaver is good - but expensive and not for a novice.
Wordpress is meant for blogs - but you can use it to build basic static page sites too. There are loads of free wordpress templates and free advice pages out there. If it's just a brochure type site letting people know about your business - Wordpress can do the job.