Building on a Leasehold


New Member
My family purchased a plot of land to the rear of our property nearly 20 years ago and currently own the Leasehold to the land for the next 800 years.

We have searched for the Freehold owner for the last few years through legal searchers and our own enquires, but we are unable to find any record of who currently holds the Freehold.

We are looking to build on the land, but our Leasehold states:
It is hereby further certified that this assignment is not effected by the provision of Section 112 of the Finance Act, 1990 by reason of the fact that it is a piece or plot of ground in use as a garden only by the purchasers and that no further or other contract exists for the construction of a dwellinghouse thereon or on any part thereof.

Form the above I believe we need to either acquire the Freehold itself or permission from it's holder to build.

We enquired with the local council and were told that as there is no building/structure on the land, we are not able to apply for arbitration. Can anyone confirm this or have any information on this topic?
