budget travel shop closures

The Travel Agents on this forum appear to be upstanding, helpful, honest, forthright and customer focused. But, unfortunately, only the aggressive will survive. Watching that stupid but entertaining business programme on television about dog-eating-dog comes to mind. Only this week our local Travel Agent closed down after about 35 years in the business. The owner was also helpful, honest etc. So were his staff. But, the sell-holidays-for-as-much-as-you-can-get brigade in the city (according the the TA owner) has won the day.
Well, yes, Leper I'd obviously agree with the kind words and the genral sentiments you state.
I like to think I'm and my diminishing staff are one of the helpful types.
We are genuinely interested in what people want.
We really do not like to over charge people and always ask the client have they got it cheaper anywhewre else -internet etc.
We dissuade people from booking places that we (perhaps arrogantly) don't think are suitable.
We explain about travel insurance,and the various pitfalls -something we know that even insurance brokers dont do. Plus visa,injection and other requirements.
We help them with genuine complaints against tour operators/airlines.

... but we are probably closing our doors very shortly.

i hope younger dynamic people like enthusiastic Mscc in a previous post will have more success. I feel he/she is a much younger me !
I would never book my holiday through the internet I will admit I look on the internet for information on a destination,and may have gotten tour operators prices just to compare, but I would not trust a computer system for the one holiday a year I may take with my family to be complete....
Being face to face with someone the comfort of knowing I never messed up and have some sort of come back makes the extra few pennies all worth while for more piece of mind.
Its a shame so many agents are closing ,its very sad for the travel industry,but is the closing down of these agencys not giving the full power over to the internet or that person you cannot see at other end of phone that tells you its in your terms & conditions yet they never told you those conditions before you booked(when over phone)...
Most companies have not brought out summer '10 as yet,which Iv entered numerious agents telling us to come back end of month,but would that not explain when some agents where busy in september it may have been for the following year's bookings as those brochures came out in august year on year, and then explain that is why they are so quiet now as it is not on sale??
I just cant get my head around it....
Yes, KML, there are only a couple of "taster" brochures for next year with just a few holidays. The tour operators feel that few people will book now for next year. This belief is based on the last twelve months when most people booked only a few months -or weeks beforehand. Also, it's based on the fact that very few people are presently asking for next year - if they were asking the agents then we'd be on to the tour ops rightaway.

Ten years ago I'd book 30% of the Summer holidays a year in advance, three years ago it was 20%. Last year 10%. And,now, almost nobody is asking for next Summer.

This uncertainty is not only affecting tour operators and agents -it's harming airlines, hotels and even private property owners whether they sell through the internet or agents.

This will mean desperation on behalf of all the above and many customers will get great deals. But it will also mean closure of companies, airlines, hotels etc and a curtailment of many routes/destinations.

Its the same for the auto business and many others. Its the uncertainty that is closing us as much as lack of business. If we knew there'd be business in a few months many of us would stay open during the Winter. But paying rent, staff etc and sinking into debt month after month is too risky; not only for travel agents but for so many in the holiday business.

And, yes, most travel will be booked purely done thru the internet in a year or so. In the whole of Counties Dublin, Wicklow,Kildare and Meath there are now a grand total of 45 retail travel agents -down from about a 120 five years ago.
I hate to complicate the argument but as holidays are a global business, it is worth looking across the border a bit. The one place I am most familiar with is Germany and people there are definitely booking as far ahead as they always were. The best offers for 2010 have already been snatched. With Irish customers much more cautious this year, it would seem to me that they will end up losing out as when people finally decide to book summer holidays for 2010, they will find that the really good offers are already gone. So it seems to me that not only the Irish travel industry is losing out but so are the customers... The deals available for 2010 will not be better, they will be *worse*.
I agree with all your points Oldnick and Undo.. I can see your points completely but at same time are things that bad for those few still standing whats made the difference to them than the likes of these Big so called companies???
I totally agree shops are having to consider the debt issues etc..through the winter months for if things pick up and when if they ever do but it is very sad at the same time it seems the travel industry is completely about to fold.
Its also very sad on the workers too as there are no jobs out there to take up for if and when their jobs are gone too,im sure they are trying everything and they too are finding all this very hard...
Better upgrade my computer skills for the future!!