Why what did I say outta line? It was only my opinion so I aint gonna take it back. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I stated mine. You're ideas are good but they are just not my taste, I'd be less art attack more minimalistic.
Course you're entitled to your own opinions and we're not laughing at you now or anything so there's no need to go on about a heart attack, sure you're only a young fella, lighten up. Lads take it easy on Bob now he's getting all serious like and I'd say he means well all de same.
PM1234- you are really coming up with some fabo ideas- Go on did you do a course too? I'd say ya did. I love de idea of all dat msg stuff but my fella is pure useless with diy. 'MSG?' He says to me, ' What's dat?'. He's so tick, honest! I do be laughing at him sometimes.
Ney001 do you tink now dem sites would send COD cause like I don't have a credit card ( I tink its discreminatory meself not to give the likes of me one) and I only seen some lovely stuff what would be fabulus for presents for christmas.
Carpenter like I can see you're with it now and all, and no offense like, but sometimes you do go off iin your own head I'd say. Like who's dat foreign fella you're on about Van someting. Less of the wacky backy now I'd say would do you a bit of good. Still your heart is in the right place and I'd say your handy around the place, not like my fella.