BOI Online have mucked up my account take 3-4 days to sort, never told me!!


Registered User
I have been with BOI online for ages and apart from the odd glitch that was resolved quickly it has been fine. But today has me really worried. I tried to log on but could not and got message along the lines "incorrect details .. etc " I then ring the helpline and before I get a chance to explain I am advised to turn off computer and try to log in again!! This sounded like a mickie mouse excuse so I persisted and was then told " Yes there is a fault. your account and PIN no. has been split and will take 3-4 days to fix!" No apolgy, nothing, and then I was told and you cant even use the telephone banking system!

My only recourse is to visit local branch, which I cant physically do at the moment.

Is this the stage when I now say oops ONLINE not such a clever idea after all and ditch it? Is it linked to the current crisis ie we hold money as long as possible. I dont have a lot but every little bit helps.

Quite worrying when they dont even tell you but I suppose its a security thing to avoid phishing etc.

Anyone else locked out?

Is there any chance it is related to the significant issues BOI had last week?

If you're not happy with the service, ring them up and ask for a copy of their complaints procedure and then raise a complaint.
Thanks for reply. I did ask them that and they gave the impression there was no fault last week! I then asked if the IT department was outsourced, and I think it is, and they said no. I am not too brisk at the moment but will enquire in the branch tommorrow and raise a complaint.

I only heard rumours about the atm fiasco last week and did not link it to the online system. It was only on Sunday I tried to log on and the message I got made it look as it was me that made the error ie " Your login details are incorrect and account locked etc but you cant ring anyone on Sunday!!

Its a bit of a worry that the system can stay down so long and support not able to say how long it will be down for!! And knocking out the telephone bit as well is even more worrying with that wikileaks fiasco.


Their IT systems support are outsourced to HP, however that should have no bearing on the issue from a customer service perspective. BOI are still responsible for what they deliver to their customer.
Ahh, thats what I suspected. Although outsourcing can be seen as seamless it is not the case when an IT department goes. The ownership may be perceived as remaining inhouse but the reality is a far different story.

BOI have no staus page on their online page because they have no direct access to the IT sytem, they are in effect now like customers and have to log on and off just like we do.

The security breach with my account and the extent of it wont be known until I get to local branch and when it is fixed I wont get any explanation as security reasons will be cited.

Thanks for reply, as usual it could not have happened at a worse time but that as they say is "sods law".

Just to finish and the bit I find quite annoying, there appears to be no timeframe for a fix ie they can take as long as they like.

Their IT systems support are outsourced to HP

That comment is misleading.

HP, BT and third-parties support the hardware and communications infrastructure. Software development and support remains in-house.

The cause of last week's problem is not, AFAIK, software. The cause of NOAHs issue would seem to be an unfortunate coincidence.
pin split on acc just means pin is after coming away from account reason for this usually is a recent change to account can be reapplyed to account it has to be sent to customer care to be done why would a pin split on a account be reason to asume what happened last week have anyting to do with one persons account having a pin split noah if you contact boi 365 they can give you service to your account over the phone just online wont work untill the pin is reapplyed to your account and reason i know this is it happened to myself about 2 months ago i asked the agent i was speaking to and thats what i was told did you try ringing back and asking them is that the case?
Just and update, went to branch today and they are on a different computer system so they could access my account. I am going to take steps to circumvent this fault so that when it ever happens again I may be ok.

I did not ring telephone banking as they cant access my account either. I might try them in the morning out of interest but I am too tired now.

Thanks for all replies.
