i have a currect a/c with ulsterbank pay 10e a month maintenance and all else free.. ive never had any problems with them on line or in their branches.. the card reader is only used for certain online transactions and it makes it much safer!.
Think its a UFIRST a/c,not sure what value you are getting if you have such an account?
Not when someone is unemployed!!!Lodge a minimum of €3000 over 3 months
- many peoples salaries means that's easy
Make 9 payments a quarter using 365 Online or Phone
- pay utilities(ESB, Bord Gais, SKY/upc, mobile provider), credit card, etc. each month means that's not a significant obstacle.
No-one wants to pay for something when you're used to not paying but ..
- banking is a service and not many services are free, or stay free for long
- these free deals were a competitive response to Halifax and others
- the banks are broke (or haven't you heard ?)
All in all, it's not great news, but it's not the end of the world.
Never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go to in order to avoid paying bank charges. It bugs me also to have these charges dumped on us, but it's like any other service that we use, we now have to pay for it. This is not the first time we had bank charges.
For me it's not worth the hassle of changing account numbers, cards etc.
Does anyone know off the top of their head if there are any business accounts with no fees? The amount I pay to AIB every month, between the fees and the online banking, is just crazy for a small business. I've finished my "introductory offer" and I won't go back to BOI. Ever.
Someone mentioned paying into savings accounts by 365online transfer. Is it even possible ?
I thought that savings accounts require direct debit (which does not count).
Or just close one of the accounts as interest is a joke anyway.
This is precisely the kind of thing I will do. It doesn't suit me to close my BoI a/c because they have a sub-office in my place of employment. But I resent this move and if enough customers start effecting nine €0.01 transactions every 89 days, maybe the message will eventually filter back up to the management level at which this decision was taken.I can see this policy generating a huge increase in the number of 'pretend' online payments, for eg €1 into my savings account using B365 counts as a transaction. Or people paying their Esb online in 9 divvided transactions to generate online payment count. I would not like to be in BOI 's IT dept when these charges kick in!!!
This is precisely the kind of thing I will do. It doesn't suit me to close my BoI a/c because they have a sub-office in my place of employment. But I resent this move and if enough customers start effecting nine €0.01 transactions every 89 days, maybe the message will eventually filter back up to the management level at which this decision was taken.
Understand the idea is to get people out of branches as this is where most of the cost is, but why not include direct debits and standing orders - they cost nothing to transact !!!
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