You might find the discussion on this thread of interest on the differences between investing, gambling and speculating.
Thanks, some interesting views there.
My own personal view is that there actually no difference between gambling, speculating and investing.
In the discussion you linked to, there appears to be an underlying tendency, by some, to assume that 'investing' has mostly long-term positive outcomes. Speculation and gambling, are short-term, un(-ill)informed punts that can, and often do, go terribly wrong.
So if you place your money anywhere for a return, it was an investment if it pays off, a gamble if it didn't. Either way, it's all speculation.
However, to avoid going off-track, I think one point has been missed in all of these comparisons between Bitcoin and tulips. That is, blockchain technology.
If I am to believe what I read about blockchain technology is that it cannot be tampered with without that tampering being recognised almost instantly.
Apparently it was, and is easy to tamper with tulips, and nowadays nobody cares - except maybe horticulturalists.
As someone explained to me once (I'm joe soap with technology and science), blockchain is the financial equivalent of DNA. That is, each transaction leaves a footprint, that is not erasable, and should anyone tamper with it, it is detectable almost instantly.
If that technology exists, and is available mainstream, and becomes mainstream, then we are for serious, I think, talking about a revolution in the monetary system.
On the other hand, perhaps it is a tulip, a Rubik's cube, a block of apartments in Bulgaria or a golf course resort in Doonbeg? Either way it is a speculative investing gamble for sure.