So why did you mention them?
You ask to mention some events, so I obliged? You then inferred that I implied Anglo, Enron, never had any value. I never said any such thing. That would be like you saying bitcoin has no value nor ever had, that it is a bag of hot air. When clearly the evidence is right in front of your face that bitcoin does have value is that value is currently priced by markets at around €11,000.
That doesn't mean to say it will never return to zero, that doesn't mean that in the future some underlying factor will not emerge that will expose bitcoin as faulty, misleading, fraudulent etc. But clearly to date, it has not.
As I said, for a bag of hot air to collapse completely, everyone must be convinced it's a bag of hot air. What history are you referring to in this context?
That is the question I have been asking. I'm of the view that a bag of hot air will ultimately return to zero, perhaps I have been mistaken?
Bitcoin, despite is price crashes has not returned to zero. Instead it is increasing in price once more. I'm asking, what bag of hot air throughout financial and economic history lost 80%+ of its value only for it to subsequently returned 400%+? I cant think of an instance throughout history, can you?
Some I'm minded to think that bitcoin is not a bag of hot air, aren't you?