
Not at all you're very welcome, all info about Btown is useful. Can't help you with the Anchorage, unfortunately. I wonder if you would get more response with a new thread titled 'The Anchorage'?

When you mention the possible park and ride, is this possibly going to be a station, or a drop off point for cars to get a bus to Laytown station (Sorry if this is a silly question but I'm never quite sure what park and ride means).
Hi Enigmafish,

I would advice not puttin in any offer on them apartments. Sorry but no offence the apartment may but beautiful inside but they are by far Bettystown biggest eyesore. They look very rundown. The apartments above chans restaurant are still vacant since they were built over 5 years ago.They are the only thing I would change about Btown(demolish them). The "party atomoshere" would be due to the majority of them are rental property's. A relative of mine purchased an apartment beside the Btown court hotel the workmanship isn't the best either. Have you your heart set on Btown for an apartment? I noticed they are building directly across from the Btown hotel did you enquire about them? I will keep an eye out for any new developments for you. I have recently purchased a 2 bed apartment in Grange Rath located just 3 miles from Btown. Apartment is own door and has landscaped gardens to the front and rear. Construction starts on new shopping centre in Jan. It is a very large estate though quite easily get lost but Im delighted with it. There is still a few available if you are interested.

Hope I haven't upset you about the apartments its just my opinion about the anchorage and a lot of people in Btown would agree they are an eyesore.

When development land was for sale at the top of the narroways I remember there was to be included a park and ride facility. I think your conclusion is right regarding park and ride (bus to train station). Laytown station is very very close to the proposed park and ride as the crow fly's. The last time I heard anything about the facility though was a few years ago. Its one of the only chunk of undeveloped land remaining on the Narroways so maybe the developer is holding off on it. It would be great for the area though, its needs more parking for Laytown train station badly.
Folks Ive found the clip on unison(you must be registered to read only takes 2 mins) about the park and ride facility on the Narroways.. I remember reading it in the Drogheda Independent. It was published in 2000. Here is the link:
It says that there is 4 acres zoned for a park and ride facility.

Here is another link from the Meath Chronicle:
Thanks for the links, dmullen, hope they go ahead with it sooner rather than later.