best sat nav?

Hi Roscommon,
I have just bought a Garmin Nuvi 250W with street level maps for Ireland/Uk and Europe (V10) preinstalled from Pixmania for 170euro (just checked,down a euro, 169 now). Paid 16.40euro for express delivery and got it within 36hrs.
Extremely impressed with map detail (even has roads mapped within the complex we stayed at in Ibiza last year) and clarity of display. If all you need is good sat/nav direction while driving I think this deal is hard to beat.

NB: I have no connection with Pixmania.
Re: Map updates for Garmin Nuvi 250

Bought the basic Garmin Nuvi 250 a couple of weeks ago from and it was invaluable in Portugal. Even when I drove newer roads that were not on the SatNav I always knew that 'Nuvi' would get me home. This happened in Lisbon and while I think it took me on the scenic route down by the River Tejo it eventually got me back on track and home safely. Great to have that level of confidence driving around a large capital city, even if you do encounter the odd new motorway.

BTW, the advice on buying a basic model is supported by me and this cost me an amazing €150....just checked ant it's still available @

I'll be testing it in the UK for the next 3 weeks.

Safe Driving.

Both ALDI and LIDL are advertising sat-nav units for around 300 euro at the moment with the ALDI one looking particularly good value.

I use a Garmin Nuvi 660FM which I find to be excellent, but cost about 440 euro, although speed camera warnings / locations in the UK are a little out of date.
I've heard that if you plan to use the sat nav for rural Ireland driving then it is better to get a brand that uses Navteq mapping as opposed to Tele Atlas. It seems that Navteq have done a better job of mapping outside the city's and towns. Garmin use Navteq and I think Tom Tom use Tele Atlas. Its usually written in the small print on the box.
i used the tom tom once,, thought it was good in so far as it gave the choice of maotorway/main roads or fastest route,,
also asked if it was truck or car,,

i was suspicious that they will always send you the most direct route even though u know there is a quicker non direct route

are other models like this,,,

whats the opinion on Tom tom
Tom Tom are way ahead of the rest in my opinion.
I had a garmin Nuvi610 & recently changed it for TomTom Go720.
Their community Mapping is a great idea. You see an error on the Map & change it instantly , upload it to Tom Tom & everyone benefits.
Why Garmin arn't going down this road (No pun intended) I dont know.
I just got back from UK and the guy that was driving us around had a Garmin. Bloody hell, it was so annoying compared to my TomTom..."Stay left, stay right" in the same sentence on the motorway and it just didn't shut up. We ended up putting in his glove box and using the TT for the rest of the time
Borrowed my brother's nuvi 250w for driving in England. Once we realised that it was on the "pedestrian" setting, we changed it to automobile, we had no problems with it. I am thinking of getting one and this is the one I'd buy.

we got a Neverlost with Hertz car rentals a few weeks back, waste of time, none of the machines they gave us worked.
Got loan of basic Navman & Garmin.

Navman was good on routes but points of interest very poor and out of date. Liked detailed house numbers in estates. Lot of locations were in Irish and could not change to English.

Garmin wanted to take me off main roads and motorways continously and on to minor roads and through towns. Also did not name what street to turn into. Would like to try Tom Tom before I purchase
Garmin 660t fm is about 280 delivered from ebay. The fm allows you to use your car speakers. It also calls out street names.
Lidl have one coming out for €199. Has navteq maps for europe and a large screen.
[broken link removed]
Would be worth checking the bargain alerts & gps forums for more info.
Won't be purchasing myself, as I prefer to get lost the old fashioned way!