Depends on the card and applicable T&Cs/tariff of charges. Usually you are only charged a cash advance fee on cash advances and not withdrawals from an account that was preloaded - but check to be sure. Usually interest applies on cash advances from the date of the advance although some cards only charge it once the normal credit/billing period has elapsed. Again check your card details to be sure. Lastly if you withdraw cash outside the € zone then you will certainly be charged some foreign exchange margin as part of the translation back to € for billing purposes. This is normally 1.75% or more depending on the card. As an example with my PTSB VISA if I preloaded cash and withdrew it then the only charge applicable would be the forex margin built into the conversion rate. If I did a cash advance then I would be charged 1.5% of the transaction subject to a minimum charge of €2 (I think) but I would only be charged interest if I did not clear the advance by the time the normal billing/credit period has elapsed. I think that the PTSB card is unusual in the latter respect.