Banks Offer in relation to Ombudsman Appeal

I presume they won't refund until your friend accepts the offer. The good thing about going via the Ombusdman is that at least you will be part of the statistics. Going forward with the new bill on this we should hopefully have a list with statistics of all banks and insurance companies misdeeds. And that will help us avoid certain companies and may make companies actually listen to their customers.

In this particular case you're talking about a pittance. You need to let it go.
One thing to remember, get the offer in writing from the bank. I was offered a sum in the past having threatened the Ombudsman and when I said I would accept by phone but to give it in writing, they offered a third of the original sum in writing.
OP states there was a cessation date. Is it common for standing orders wtih a cessation date to continue, or is it a genuine error. Is it up to the account holder to notice, certainly one should be checking one's accounts regularly.

Sam27 the bank has refunded you and compensated you, it is not at all clear what more you want? You want them to admit their liability?

I accept that OP provided a cessation date.

The bank misread this and presumably set up a standing order without an end date (until further notice).

Standing orders set up with an final payment date will not continue past that point.
The bank should explain how this happened even if not admitting liability you can then be able to read between the lines. There is a reason why this has happened and you are entitled as a customer to know why
The bank misread this and presumably set up a standing order without an end date (until further notice).


But this kind of mistake shouldn't be happening and if it does the Bank should immediately acknowledge and rectify the mistake without the OP having to go so much trouble to get it sorted out. No other business would treat a customer so shoddily. For goodness sake this person has had to go to the ombudsman. The sum is miniscule but that's not the point.

And it's deliberate in my opinion, and is one of the main reasons people won't switch bank accounts because it cause no end of headaches.
Received reply today and very very happy that the offer from the bank was rejected.

Happy days!!!