Bankruptcy and Moving to the U.S.

All these experts, banks paying accountants 250 Euro, hiring PIP's for 5K - when you're broke ! Losing your pension, being told how much you can spend on food for the next 3/5/8 years. Losing your home, potentially losing an inheritance along the way. It's one big unhappy mess. Meanwhile people's lives are massively disrupted for years, with no hope, no jobs. All causing untold misery and marriage breakdown.

Totally agree, this is the bit that breaks my heart. Seeing people suffer through what I believe to be a totally unnecessary process that helps no one. The creditor isn't any better off and the debtor certainly isn't any better off. The professionals are licking their choppers at the thought of all the fees they will earn........crazy stuff, only in Ireland could this happen!!
Most logical thing I have read in a while.

You only have one life, and how you chose to live it is your choice - and yours alone. Unless its illegal (i.e. hiding assets etc), the OP (and everyone else) should do whatever is in the best interests of him and his family.

A fine sensible reply, and I thank you. I am under a huge amount of stress with regard to this, and to see people throw around "strategic defaulters" like as if I am one of them is insane. I want to keep my house we have put a lot of work into it, but I am not prepared to be a slave for the next 30 years.
So what are you going to do about your situation Company, we had a poster heading back to the USA about a month ago and he was doing his best to deal with his bank and getting nowhere, I think he's gone now, but for him it was a different matter, unlike you he was going there permanently. I don't think you can go bankrupt there on a temporary visa.

You've actually not outlined your finances so we cannot give you any more concrete advice, such as not paying and making the bank sit up and deal with you. Do you qualify under the new insolvency legislation perhaps?