As a banker this all sounds very strange to me. I'm not as up to date with the laws and Central Bank regulations relating to deposits as I used to be. However, a deposit with a bank is not a debt, so the statute of regulations does not apply. All banks are obliged to hold documentation for a maximum of 6 years so the actual signed authority to close the account would not be to hand. However, all banks will have transactional information going back well before that period which will state how these funds were disbursed. Internal rules re withdrawals from dormant accounts are very strict and it is not easy to resurrect a dormant account without triggering some alarms internally. particularly if this level of funds is involved. Your uncles solicitor should now write a formal letter to the Bank HO stating the exact circumstances of the case and requesting full details of how the account was closed and what happened to the funds. The Bank will have this information available and I am surprised that it was not given to your uncle upon request.