Bank Officials & Christmas Bonus!

Why not buy shares in your employer's company so? Or get a new job?
Why not buy shares in your employer's company so?
Thanks for the advice, I do, regularly. And also in other companies that Im sure dont give large pay rises.

Or get a new job?
Again, thanks for the advice, I just cant seem to find where I said I was that unhappy with my job. So why would you suggest such a drastic measure without knowing much about my relationship with my employer, other then knowing that I think they keep wage increases to a minimum through sharp practices.

There should be a law against such things or at the very least a Careers and Jobs section on AAM. Youd swear I was bitter..
In case it was missed, there was a tongue in cheek element to that.
Do Bank official get a profit share?
They might not get a Xmas bonus but do they get a profit share at some other time during the year?
after 40 years with last employer ( no bonus, no party ) now part time with new employer. one weeks pay (taxed and prsi deducted but it was still great to get ) paid few weeks ago as a Christmas bonus.
ah, but do you work for the well known high street bank that paid it's staff a 10% profit share every year for the last 5 years????

or do you work for a bank that in addition to given the T2016 rises gives it's staff another 5-10% in increments every years

actually, come to think of it, you probably do because that's what virtually every high street bank in Ireland does

I really do feel sorry for you (not)
The original "clarifying" post was anything but,...and the level of sarcasm which has developed in this post, makes it difficult to follow, and even more difficult to care about who gets what bonuses at Christmas! The grass is always greener....etc, so if you think its so cosy somewhere else, go work there, or if you think you're hard done by, go work somewhere else!

if this reply was for me it couldn't futher from the truth. Nothing to do with banking, quite the opposite, about as opposite as you can get.


I have never actually heard this misleading information before but thanks for clearing it up.

more importantly, where exactly are these mainstream jobs with the big fat bonuses?!!

Is it just me but I haven't got a clue what this means..
Have just noticed that
- the post was originally posted in another forum, misc fin q's ,
- was moved to LOS
- The OP has < 50 posts, so cannot respond in this forum
So guess we'll have to wait a while for any more clarification

Pure nonsense! I know for a fact that AIB and Bank of Ireland have no such salary scheme
So to clarify once again Bank officials DO NOT get Christmas Bonuses- they DO NOT get double their salaries!!! unlike MOST of the workers in mainstream employment!!!
All I can say to that is AH, HA HA, HA HA, HA HA... what planet do you live on?
All I can say to that is AH, HA HA, HA HA, HA HA... what planet do you live on?

At his time of year shouldn't that be OH, HO HO HO, HO HO HO ....

Then again, Santa Claus IS real, unlike the OP's notion of "mainstream employment" bonuses.
Pure nonsense! I know for a fact that AIB and Bank of Ireland have no such salary scheme

Not sure who mentioned AIB and BOI but I know of one bank employee who got 20% of salary as bonus and another person who got 100%.

If I knew more of their work mates I could give more examples as most of them got nice bonuses.
Not sure who mentioned AIB and BOI but I know of one bank employee who got 20% of salary as bonus and another person who got 100%.
Two anecdotal cases? Well that’s it; case closed. I withdraw my previous post and stand rebuked. You, Mr. Slicer, are vindicated. Well done!