Bag packers in Supermarkets collecting for charity

In my experience if you want to pack your own bags and/or not donate any change then you can do so. If anybody reacts badly to this then that's their problem. If people feel embarrassed by doing this themselves then they shouldn't.
The problem is that the shopper feels obliged to give money, rather than it being a choice. It annoys the hell out of me. There are certain charities that collect on the street or outside shopping centres that I would cross the street to donate to- probably because they have had an impact on my family or they mean something to me- like daffodil days, ms, down syndrome ireland etc. I donate on line to medecin sans frontieres and support certain local charities and fund raising. But I want to feel its my choice to donate, not an obligation. And I do not want any one packing my bags for me. It's as simple as that.

And Superquinn in Limerick has had the self service thing for the last few years too- you get a hand held scanner and scan as you go around the shop, then go to a self service till, slot in the hand held scanner and pay. I believe they operate spot checks now and then. I havent been there for a while now, but think its a very good idea.
Vanilla said:
The problem is that the shopper feels obliged to give money, rather than it being a choice.
Regardless of how they may feel they obviously still do have a choice. What others think should not be a factor in this.
What others think should not be a factor in this.

Why not? And in any case, it's not just what others think ( although this is an important and relevant consideration to my mind, especially in a rural community where the person behind you in the queue, or in the next queue, probably knows you), it's what you feel yourself. I have already said that in the past I tried stating that I preferred packing my bags myself, and felt like a curmudgeon. Plus I feel obliged to give money despite the fact that the group in question might not be a charity or club that I might otherwise want to donate to. My feelings are relevant to me!
I just think that too often people worry about what others think about their actions when they should not. That's just my opinion. While you might feel obliged to unwillingly allow others to pack your bags or donate money obviously this is not the case and you still have the ultimate say in matters. That's a fact.
That's the way of the world. If I care what my clients, friends, neighbours, potential clients ( the whole world!) think of me, then that is what is relevant to me, and that's also a fact.
ClubMan said:
I just think that too often people worry about what others think about their actions when they should not. That's just my opinion. While you might feel obliged to unwillingly allow others to pack your bags or donate money obviously this is not the case and you still have the ultimate say in matters. That's a fact.

I think you're missing the point of the rant Clubman. The point is, while you ultimately have a choice, it's annoying that it's in your face. We're not robots y'know. People will always feel certain ways. Vanilla's feelings in this respect are quite normal. I'd feel the same way. You feel obliged to help out a cause that you might not particularly want to help.
I feel guilty when I ignore the charity fundraisers sitting at the table outside my local tesco...but I do so for the right reasons. I also feel guilty saying no to lots and lots of beggars who approach me on the street. I feel guilty and I'd rather they didn't approach me like that...but I know I'm doing the right thing.

just because you, ultimately, have a choice in the matter, doesn't mean you don't have a right to feel they just shouldn't be there.

I also feel that the boy scouts versus kids running rampant on the streets is a bit of a red herring. I was a cub and a scout (for about three weeks) btw. This sort of fundraising might work for these organisations but I'd stand by my assertion that it works for all the wrong reasons and we should be trying to stamp these things out.
I don't feel obliged to do anything that I don't want to do because of peer pressure. If I am ever so inclined I tend to challenge my initial reaction/assumption. I don't think that my feelings in this respect are in any way abnormal as you seem to imply.
Actually you should try thinking for yourself rather than aspiring to be somebody else.
ubiquitous said:
I honestly don't see any problem with this - all the kids are looking for is a little loose change - they won't refuse even 10 or 15 cent. Its a lot less 'in your face' than church gate collections or street chugging.
And you are geting a service for your few cent, generally your trolly in returned for you as well, all our scouts recieve training on how to pack a bag so it should be done right.
ClubMan said:
Actually you should try thinking for yourself rather than aspiring to be somebody else.

Us that live in the gutter must aspire to something, who better then yourself
I hate these bag packers handling my shopping but I understand why it is done because my sister in law is involved in a youth club in the Tallaght area and the effort that she and other people put into the ways of raising money to occupy the leisure time of these young people is to be admired.
According to her the youngsters do not want to do anything but they still expect to be subsidisied on trips and outings that they go on and most parents treat the club as a babysitting service and have no interest in helping to raise money.
ClubMan said:
If I am ever so inclined I tend to challenge my initial reaction/assumption. I don't think that my feelings in this respect are in any way abnormal as you seem to imply.

I never implied anything of the sort.
You're still missing the point I'm trying to make. Just because you feel this way doesn't mean everyone else does.

ClubMan said:
If people feel embarrassed by doing this themselves then they shouldn't.

...makes sense for you but others don't feel like that, so you shouldn't assume that they should. After all, that's the whole point of the these bagpackers make people feel!
Gabriel said:
I never implied anything of the sort.
You're still missing the point I'm trying to make. Just because you feel this way doesn't mean everyone else does.
Yes - and vice versa.

...makes sense for you but others don't feel like that, so you shouldn't assume that they should. After all, that's the whole point of the these bagpackers make people feel!
I never said that they should. I just pointed out that they could.
Lol :)

Anyway...the long and the short of it is next time I see a scout or girl guide trying to pack my bags I'm going to scream and shout at them until they cry and stop what they're doing ;)
Good move. Otherwise you might feel embarrased by what others think of you when you quietly and politely decline their services and to make a donation.