Nope, I open by saying as little as possible and sticking to the facts:I have asked for drafts from banks quite often and I have never had this kind of questioning from UB or any other bank. Was your opening pitch something in the line of ' I have had enough of your bank. I want to withdraw all my money and close the account. Make me out a draft this instance' ?
"I'd like a draft for 20k from my current account made out to myself please. Here are my account details and ID"
The teller then starts asking what the draft is for. In fairness to them it seems to be UB policy as on one occasion I was shown a form that they have to fill in which includes a section on the reason for the draft.
If I answer (truthfully) that it is for opening an account in another institution, I get a sales pitch and judging by them repeating their pitch over and over, they don't seem to get the message when I say I'm not interested. BTW during my latest grilling it wasn't as though I was clearing all my money out of UB - I still had a nice 5 figure sum with them between my current account and a fixed term deposit account yet they still made a fuss about me taking 10k out of my current account.
On one occasion the reason for a draft was I was buying a car, I didn't get a sales pitch but was grilled on the details of the car down to the make, model, colour and where I was buying it. Maybe she was just interested/nosy but it did cross my mind that she didn't believe my reason and suspected that I was moving money to another institution!