baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank statement


Registered User
I bought a baby monitor in a large toy shop in portlaoise two weeks ago.

When we got around to using it (when baby started going to bed at a reasonable hour) we found it doesnt work in that it receives no noise at all from any distance.

I brought it back to the shop yesterday and the first thing they did was ask did I have a receipt and I said no then they checked that it wasn't working (fair enough) then told me they accepted it wasn't working but that I'd have to keep it cos they don't do anything without a receipt.

I told the girl that I paid for it with laser and that I bought two other items with it and had it on my bank statement (which i didnt have with me). I also had original packaging with the stores price tag still clearly on it. I am 90% certain that I got no receipt because at the time I bought it the girl who served me was yacking on the phone and didnt even tell me the amount she just grabbed the card off me and I had to take it back when the transaction was done while she yacked away.

So I asked to talk to the manager yesterday and I was told it was her day off and she would ring me today. She just rang and told me in a very rude and authoritive manner that as I had no receipt I had no rights and that if I referred to the box I would see that I needed to contact the manufacturer about the fault and she then read me the blurb from the box even though she acknowledged I could read it off my own box.

I told her my contract was with the store and not the manufacturer and she said no that if its faulty it the manufacturer I deal with.

I told her I had a laser statement and she said that proves nothing only that I bought something in the shop.

I plan on writing a registered letter of complaint but do you think I should actually bring a bank statement down to them first and let them refuse that as proof or purchase or just go ahead with the letter?
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

You need proof of purchase, so I would have thought that your bank statement and the shop tag on the item should be sufficient. if you have the other two items, so much that better, as it shows that the sum adds up. Go into the shop at a busy time, be polite but do the broken record technique... Ask to escalate to head office/senior manager there and then.

If this fails take them to the small claims court, but the above method never failed to work for me.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

I have the two other items a roll of wrapping paper (half used) and an inflatable thing but I have the packaging of the inflatable thing will that do?
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

give consumer connect a call. They've helped me out this week alone with two items.

Its amazing what shop owners will say, hoping the consumer doesn't know any better. Under the sales of goods and services act you are entitled to a Repair, replacment or refund. Regarding proof of prchase see below.

Taken from their FAQ

Q7. I have a faulty product but have lost my receipt. Do I have any rights?

A business is entitled to ask for proof of purchase before providing redress. The onus is on the consumer to establish when and where the item was purchased. This is why it is so important to keep your receipts.
Cheque stubs, credit card statements and bank statements can also be accepted as proof of purchase.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

That should definitely be enough. Very poor customer service on their part. As you stated your contract is with the shop not the manufacturer. Insist on the money back. You are within your rights.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

Insist on the money back. You are within your rights.
Almost. Your rights are that you are entitled to a replacement, repair OR refund in the case of faulty goods.

When it comes to wireless gear such as this it could be that the product works fine but environmental conditions (e.g. the specific structure of your house etc.) could affect their operation.

Did you try it with the receiver and transmitter within line of sight of each other but maybe not right on top of each other? Did you have both tuned to the same channel? If they are 2.4GHz units then are you sure that interference from other sources (e.g. microwave ovens, wireless LANs, other 2.4GHz devices - in your home or your neighbours' homes) could be causing problems?
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

I tried all that clubman and they tried to get it to work in the store too and it wouldnt work. I just called in with statement and same woman told me the same story. I then said I was in to provide them with proof of purchase and that if they refused to accept it I would be submittin a formal written complaint and I would proceed to small claims court she then brought me to another lady and they showed me a sheet printed from citizens information website pointing to this paragraph

If you are not satisfied with the quality of goods or services you can:
  • Return the goods to the supplier who sold it to you (you should not return the goods to the manufacturer)
  • Act as soon as you can – a delay can indicate that you have accepted faulty goods or services
  • Do not attempt to repair the item yourself or give it to anyone else to repair it
  • Make sure that you have a proof of purchase (a receipt, cheque stub, credit card statement or invoice)
I pointed to the options under the last bullet point and they said they only accept receipt as proof of purchase and that they can choose from these options and they would get in trouble with the "office" if they gave me a refund. I asked to speak to the office but there is no one there today and the office will ring me back tomorrow to see what can be done. I told her that if I don't hear from them tomorrow I will proceed with formal written complaint which is required before proceeding to small claims court.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

I tried all that clubman and they tried to get it to work in the store too and it wouldnt work.
OK - in that case you are entitled to a replacement, repair or refund as long as you have proof of purchase. I'm not convinced that they can insist on a receipt only if there is other valid proof of purchase available. Contact the NCA at if necessary and they should be able to help.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

just rang them and they say bank statement is enough, we'll see what the office tell me tomorrow
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

Did you point out to them that they don't actually seem to have a clue about customer's rights?!
I get really annoyed when a manager of a shop (and you said it's a large one) is clueless about the rights of customers, and when it's something to do with babies or small children I think it's even worse. Glad to see you're following it up, too many people let shops get away with this type of behaviour. Good luck, and please keep us posted.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

forgot to mention that the bit she read from the box said at the end that it is valid in the uk only I said it to her and she was like thats what we go by. It is the biggest toyshop in portlaoise don't think i'm allowed say names.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

on the point of babies stuff do you think i should go and buy a new monitor because i actually need one and then insist on refund cos I have bought a new one?
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

You can't insist on a refund as far as I know. The retailer only has to offer you one of a repair, replacement or refund.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

Ok so the office never rang me so I rang them and the office had heard nothing about my complaint and the manager I was talking to yesterday was gone home for the day so they will ring me tomorrow?? I told the office that I had already explained to the manager yesterday that if I didn't hear from them today I would proceed with a view to the small claims court. The office then wanted all the details again and they will ring me tomorrow. Oh and the girl that deals with it is on holidays this week too apparently and the manager wouldnt have known that!
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

It is the biggest toyshop in portlaoise don't think i'm allowed say names.

Well anyone who knows Portlaoise would know who you're talking about. I bought childrens Xmas presents there 3 yrs ago and one of them didn't work - when I brought them back they insisted on a receipt which amazingly I found at the bottom of a bag. They then gave me a replacement but added "We've had lots of people bringing these back - must've been a faulty batch." To which I asked "If you knew they were all faulty why did you insist on a recipt?" They had been very very insistant on the receipt.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

well i think it is pretty stupid for a toy shop to mess with someone with a new born baby. Think of all the years of santa that they are gonna miss out on from me. Oh and imagine I actually know other people with children too, funny that eh? Oh and mothercare is opening in the town too in september. I have to say there is a baby shop in the town and they are way better and even know my name and would remember me buying anything so I will shop there for baby stuff in future. Just bought the baby monitor in this place because I was there looking for a birthday present for an older child so it was out of convenience.
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

What is your plan now? Is the Small Claims Court the next stop?
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

I think I could probably guess the identity of the store in question also; my wife and I would try and avoid it where possible. In our experience the staff tend to be either very young and disinterested or more than a little rude. I'm always amazed that some people do go back to shop in places like this with such a poor appreciation of their customer base; me, I vote with my feet!
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

Clubman I am gonna see if they contact me tomorrow, if not I am sending them a formal written complaint outlining all my dealings so far by registered post giving them 10 working days to resolve the complaint otherwise I'm after a day in (small claims) court
Re: baby monitor doesn't work no receipt but have original packaging and bank stateme

Good idea. Keep a record of all interactions to date too. The more evidence you have if it comes to the SCC the better.