B&B cancellation charges

Why get mad? Just reply to her email, confirming the booking you have made, and pointing out that you were not notified of the additional terms in relation to cancellation charges until after you made your booking, and you are not accepting these additional terms at this stage. If she replies again and attempts to cancel the booking, tell her firmly but politely that you wish to maintain your booking as essentially you have no option otherwise, but that you will refer the original non-disclosure of the cancellation charges to the National Consumer Agency, Bord Failte and to RTE Liveline.
This is from the website you dirrected me to:
All cancellations outside of 14 days of arrival can be cancelled free of charge.
Between 14 & 7 Days - 50% of the room(s) cost
Betweeen 6 days & 24 hours - 75% of the room(s) cost

and these are the cancellation charges that i was sent after i booked:
Cancellation Charges:

Notice of 22-42 days:

60% of accommodation cost

Notice of 8-21 days
75% of accommodation cost

Notice of less than 8 days
100% of accommodation cost

think there a big difference there!!!