You are correct wrt the PRSA charges. My point was that the charge imposed by the DEpt. is NOT a PRSA charge, but a charge imposed by the Dept. to "compensate" it for the "difficulties" in collecting the contributions before passing them on to Cornmarket. As such, this 1% doesn't appear, nor is it required to, on your annual statement.
You'll find info on it [broken link removed].
This is the text from the above link:
Dáil Éireann - Volume 574 - 11 November, 2003
Written Answers. - AVC Scheme.Mr. Kenny Mr. Kenny
262. Mr. Kenny asked the Minister for Education and Science the charges or levies a company (details supplied) impose on teachers with respect to the AVC scheme. [26448/03]
Mr. Dempsey Mr. Dempsey
Minister for Education and Science (Mr. Dempsey): My Department currently takes a 1% handling fee by way of a deduction from the total contributions of members in respect of all the products operated under the deduction at source arrangements for Cornmarket. The role of my Department is to operate the deduction facility. The issue of any charges or levies that the company referred to by the Deputy may impose on teachers is a matter between the company, the individual teacher and the relevant teacher union.
PS I've just re-read it an was surprised to see that, all along, I'd missed the "all products" bit - so that includes life insurance, PHI etc.:mad: