avc lump sum - any way of taking the money out before retirement in a lump sum without paying tax on it ?


New Member
i work in the public sector and have a a-v-c . i havent paid into it for a number of years now, as i will have forty years service done before retirement age
my question is, is there any way of taking the money out before retirement in a lump sum without paying tax on it ?
i work in the public sector and have a a-v-c . i havent paid into it for a number of years now, as i will have forty years service done before retirement age
my question is, is there any way of taking the money out before retirement in a lump sum without paying tax on it ?
An AVC is a pension fund linked to your main occupational pension. If you will have max service (40 years) , you possibly could use some of the AVC pot to increase your retirement lump sum, as follows:
- if you have more than 40 years by retirement, you can get an additional lump sum of 3/80ths x Final Salary for each year in excess of 40
- if you have occupational income which is not pensionable (eg bonus, allowances etc) , such income is allowable for calculating your max lump sum. So if for example you have additional income of say €5,000 then you could take 150% of such (€7,500) as an additional lump sum at retirement
Any funds remaining in the AVC pot after perhaps taking some as a lump sum, can then be invested into an ARF, from which you can draw down an additional income as required (but obviously subject to tax).
if you have more than 40 years by retirement, you can get an additional lump sum of 3/80ths x Final Salary for each year in excess of 40
The additional service would also have to come after normal retirement age.
I believe from previous posts that @thebhoy has a normal retirement age of 65, so it would have to be service after that age for this to work. I suspect that he has no way to access this money other than as taxable income post retirement.