Nestle have brought out a Low Carb Rolo and KitKat.
That's the good news...
The BAD news is the price.
The Low Carb packet of Rolo's is EURO 2.30!
The Low Carb 2 finger KitKat is 1.20 Euro!
McDonalds were giving them away (don't think they are anymore). Kellogs Special K had/have an offer but (a) it was a big red yoke that drew attention and (b) they also wanted money with tokens (can't remember how much).
Was it this that you got? I bought one a while ago from Argos but brought it back because no one could understand how to operate it. It was like double dutch - too hard to figure out?
Can't say I found it too difficult though I would have found it difficult to program without reading the instructions. Mrs M has one too which she programmed herself.
There are less complicated ones on ebay. Won't cost you more than €6 or €7 including postage.
Thanks Alan - I'm looking for one of these so ebay sounds like a good suggestion. Only thing is - there are so many there that I don't know where to start. I want a pretty basic one. Can anyone make a recommendation from the list provided?!
Maybe this. This is two pedometers for about €9. A second one is handy to have in case you walk on one or break the clip (as I have done twice) in the 4 months I have mine.
Go for it. That sounds like a good deal with the BBC. All you want is something to count steps and they are all pretty much the same. Mickey D's have stopped the pedometer promotion ( was in one yesterday ).
Suellen, I'll have the "George W Bush College Of Diplomacy" return my money.