Atkins Fans



Nestle have brought out a Low Carb Rolo and KitKat.
That's the good news...
The BAD news is the price.
The Low Carb packet of Rolo's is EURO 2.30!
The Low Carb 2 finger KitKat is 1.20 Euro!
Diet chocolate sweets? Whatever next...? Fools and their money... :rolleyes
Not really diet, just Atkins diet though. Carb content less, fat content higher!
They also taste

.... like This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.

Recently back from the US. They have gone low carb mad. Huge selection of low carb foods. Nonsense.

Get yerself a pedometer. I swear by them. Only half the man I used to be.
Re: They also taste

Who stocks these truth telling devices?
I got mine.....

... in Argos for €14.99. Its very small and neat.
There are loads of them on ebay also.

You will find yourself taking stairs when you don't have to and taking 15 minute walks at lunch hour.
Re: I got mine.....

Sounds like the same things Mac's were giving away with a meal. Kellogg's are also giving them away with breakfast tokens.
You are right....

McDonalds were giving them away (don't think they are anymore). Kellogs Special K had/have an offer but (a) it was a big red yoke that drew attention and (b) they also wanted money with tokens (can't remember how much).

Was it this that you got? I bought one a while ago from Argos but brought it back because no one could understand how to operate it. It was like double dutch - too hard to figure out?
Thats the one.....

Hi Sueellen.

Can't say I found it too difficult though I would have found it difficult to program without reading the instructions. Mrs M has one too which she programmed herself.

There are less complicated ones on ebay. Won't cost you more than €6 or €7 including postage.

[broken link removed]

Thanks Alan - I'm looking for one of these so ebay sounds like a good suggestion. Only thing is - there are so many there that I don't know where to start. I want a pretty basic one. Can anyone make a recommendation from the list provided?!
Maybe this....

Maybe this. This is two pedometers for about €9. A second one is handy to have in case you walk on one or break the clip (as I have done twice) in the 4 months I have mine.

[broken link removed]
Maybe this....

"Mrs M has one too which she programmed herself. "

Hope this isnt meant as an indication of how easy it must be to program it???
Well .....

.... more that 2 of us were independently able to program. Most diplomatic I thought.
MacDonald's Pedometor

Hi all,

Does anyone find this a bit useless? - Was going to invest in this [broken link removed] but not sure if it'll just be the same as the MacDonalds one?

Anyone have advice on this?

Sounds good.....

Go for it. That sounds like a good deal with the BBC. All you want is something to count steps and they are all pretty much the same. Mickey D's have stopped the pedometer promotion ( was in one yesterday ).
Suellen, I'll have the "George W Bush College Of Diplomacy" return my money.