Just a few informal pints I would think - contents of such "pints", will be whatever you want, just remember, with certain person's upcoming stint in front of the judge for an allegation of dangerous driving, best to stay off the strong stuff and go for a mineral, which will be of course over priced to pay for the establishment's recent refurbishments.
If you do like the taste of your favourite beer tipple, then beware of the non alcoholic alternative. There is (I'm reliably informed) a 0.004% alcohol content in such, so best not to overdo it.
To counter act such, you could avail of the in-house menu - just beware that having a beef dinner is similar to flying to France in the new Ryan Air airbus, in relation to green-house gases that is - just keep your own gas to yourself, especially in the company of your fellow AAM'ers). Since
the smoking ban, such are more easily identified, even with the new fangled vaping that may / may not be allowed indoors !!
If you are driving home afterwards, make sure that the rear view window demister is working. We don't want any reports of car damage and insurance claims on "Unread posts" the following morning, and watch out for those tractors - not all of them made it to Dublin to witness the installation of the new printer in the Dáil - there'll be some hanging around the back roads of Cork, so no dodgy tyres on your vehicle!
Needless to say, Mr. Burgess himself will be probably paying for a round of drinks (both alco & non-alco) - he still trying to find ways of using the new revolut card of his! Anyway, I'll give ye a call on the night, if I can make it - all depending on how the 48 network is going