Arthur's Day - Any freebies?

I don't mean to preach, but it does annoy me that guinness is free to advertise alcohol, and even has an 'Arthur's' day, however, headshops etc are quashed.

Ultimately, it doesn't really bother me that much anyway, although it is disappointing that we can't get proper drink in Irish pubs.

You are being very mysterious today first you post " WTF" ( I hadnt a clue what that meant )but I later found out,is bad language and text speak,then you say we " cant get a proper Drink in Irish pubs".

Will you tell us what you think is a proper drink? And let us know what your text language means...
You can hardly blame Diageo's marketing department (or Heineken's or Bulmer's) if people can't handle their drink.
Likewise, I presume you don't blame head shops if people can't handle their dodgy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX? And you don't blame the street dealers when people can't handle their estascy, or heroin or cocaine - right?
Dont forget to blame McDonalds for those who over eat, to blame the car manufacturer for allowing cars have the capacity to go over 120 km,to blame Nestle for coffee addiction .
ecstasy, cocaine, & heroin are all illegal AFAIK, as indeed are "dodgy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" previously sold in head shops. Alcohol is perfectly legal (whether it's a good law or a bad law it's still the law!) so why shouldn't it be advertised and marketed. Thousands upon thousands of people worldwide are capable of enjoying it responsibly so why should their enjoyment be curtailed by a minority who can't handle it.
Likewise, I presume you don't blame head shops if people can't handle their dodgy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX? And you don't blame the street dealers when people can't handle their estascy, or heroin or cocaine - right?

Anyone stupid enough to go to a head shop deserves what happens them.

Would you prefer your child to enjoy a few pints of guinness watching a band or hanging with friends or would you prefer him injecting himself with heroin or shoving cocaine up his nose. I am willing to bet there are way more people who drink who aren't alcoholics than there are heroin/cocaine users who aren't addicts.
ecstasy, cocaine, & heroin are all illegal AFAIK, as indeed are "dodgy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" previously sold in head shops. Alcohol is perfectly legal (whether it's a good law or a bad law it's still the law!) so why shouldn't it be advertised and marketed. Thousands upon thousands of people worldwide are capable of enjoying it responsibly so why should their enjoyment be curtailed by a minority who can't handle it.
I never said it shouldn't be advertised or marketed. I do despair just a little at those who should know better than to fall for the advertising/marketing.
To Sunny and To DB74..hahahahaa;;At last ,..reasonable , informed,mature,arguments ,not resorting to name calling..phew..
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ecstasy, cocaine, & heroin are all illegal AFAIK, as indeed are "dodgy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" previously sold in head shops. Alcohol is perfectly legal (whether it's a good law or a bad law it's still the law!) so why shouldn't it be advertised and marketed.
Ecstacy, cocaine and heroin weren't always illegal. Alcohol has been illegal in various jurisdictions throughout history.
The legality of a product is fleeting, and irrelevant. Alcohol causes damage regardless of legality.
I do despair just a little at those who should know better than to fall for the advertising/marketing.

We didn't all 'fall for the advertising'
i like Guinness, like snow patrol, enjoy live music and was happy to pay a tenner to go see a few bands in the storehouse and thought €4 was an ok price for a pint in town - it doesn't mean i'm somehow falling for something.
If you think that €4 is an OK price (because of the usual overpricing), then you did indeed fall for something.

But it's really the big picture issue that concerns me. Diageo attempt to make this a cultural event, but it is really just another lame excuse for a ****up. This is in a country where alcohol drains money out of family budgets and ties up a huge amount of our hospital resources, both in A&E at the front-end, and in addiction and mental health issues at the back-end.

But we all just pretend that we're the tough, hard real men, and anyone who can't hold their drink is the fool. We're all the fools.
Alcohol has been around for thousands of years, and will be around for thousands more.

I read somewhere recently that the majority of alcohol produced in Ireland is exported, and given that most other countries have a mature attitude to alcohol consumption, I guess you could say that the problem is not alcohol, but the way in which it is consumed.

Ireland clearly needs to be more mature in the way it consumes alcohol - the drinks manufacturers make and sell alcohol that's their job. It is up to the people and politicians to decide how we should consume alcohol - lots of other countries have a more mature attitude. I think we will get there eventually, once we have sorted out the banks, unemployment, emigration, the health service, the political system.......responsibly........