Consumers spend an estimated $2 billion a year on unproven arthritis remedies - thousands of dietary and so-called natural cures, like mussel extract, desiccated liver XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, shark cartilage, CMO (cetylmyristoleate), honey and vinegar mixtures, and magnets and copper bracelets. But these remedies are not backed by adequate science to show that they offer long-term relief. For current, accurate information on arthritis treatments and alternative therapies, call the Arthritis Foundation at 1-800-283-7800 or visit its website at
Try painting thin coat of clear nail varnish on the back to stop black marks
I think they do work. according to both my dad and uncle plumbers never get atthritis as they work with copper all day. (i am open to correction, does anyone know a plumber with arthritis?)
Placebo effect never fails!
Placebo effect never fails!
There speaks someone who evidently has no understanding of the potentially powerfully positive effect of placebos (forgive the unintentional alliteration). And your eyes to heaven smilie actually makes me sick. I mention my uncle in another post, he's dying from cancer, placebos gave him an extra four to five months of hopeful and happy living because he believed the tablets he was taking were curing him - they weren't, they were placebos, but they gave him hope, when there actually was none, so he got added time that he was able to enjoy. You're blessed not to have any experience of the pain of watching a loved one go through this - if you did have any experience you wouldn't have posted such a smart-arsed, smirk-laden post about placebos. To hell with you.
(Ban me if you choose, but think about banning Brianp too, his post was infinitely more hurtful, ignorant and offensive than mine).
There speaks someone who evidently has no understanding of the potentially powerfully positive effect of placebos .
I do, my dad died in july .... You took my comment and changed it to suit your argument. It was by no means hurtful or meant to hurt you.
I work with the placebo effect and have seen it work on most occasions.. In my opinion copper bracelets work by this effect, and that was the only point i was trying to make.
I feel your use of language in a forum like this is inappropriate.
I have my opinion, just like you. like it or dislike it!
There speaks someone who evidently has no understanding of the potentially powerfully positive effect of placebos .
I do, my dad died in july .... You took my commment and changed it to suit your argument. It was by no means hurtful or meant to hurt you.
I work with the placebo effect and have seen it work on most occasions.. In my opinion copper bracelets work by this effect, and that was the only point i was trying to make.
I feel your use of language in a forum like this is inappropriate.
I have my opinion, just like you. like it or dislike it!
I apologise for the tone of my response to you, it was stupid and offensive and I regret it. My point was simply that if you can be so flippant about the power of placebos - which you were, and not just in relation to these copper bracelets, you made a general remark dismissing placebos - then you couldn't possibly understand the role they play in keeping up the spirits of someone with a terminal illness. Because this is a major issue in my life at the moment, with an uncle I am extremely close to, I am overly sensitive on the subject and, so, responded with venom to your comment. Again, I apologise.
I apologise for the tone of my response to you, it was stupid and offensive and I regret it. My point was simply that if you can be so flippant about the power of placebos - which you were, and not just in relation to these copper bracelets, you made a general remark dismissing placebos - then you couldn't possibly understand the role they play in keeping up the spirits of someone with a terminal illness. Because this is a major issue in my life at the moment, with an uncle I am extremely close to, I am overly sensitive on the subject and, so, responded with venom to your comment. Again, I apologise.
No worries kennedy, My dad was ill for 15 years. I Can hardly remember a day when he was well.
I hope all works out well for you...
I will try and be more sensitive next time ...
Anybody who feels that promoting quack cures is a dangerous thing. Some people getting placebo relief from whatever they choose is one thing but going on to promote quack remedies with no scientific basis to substantiate the claims of efficacy and making illogical generalisations from anecdotal evidence is quite objectionable to some people.who gives anyone the right to dismiss a cure or remedy to any disease or ailment
I believe it is equally drivel to take an antibiotic for Flu, which is a viral illness, except in order to ward off secondary bacterial infection.copper bands = bunkum , quack remedies do not work and are dangerous. There is too much of this nonsense in Ireland at the minute " oh o've got a flu and have had it for 3 weeks but i won't take an antibiotic , i'm gonna go to my therepist and centre myself" , I heard a work mate spout this drivel and nearly dropped with laughter. Somone please make it stop.