Are You Happy...?

Jack The Lad

Registered User
On a scale of one to ten, where one is You Can't Stop Crying and ten is You Can't Stop Laughing, how would you rate yourself on average over the past three months?

It's not a trick question, nothing to do with religion or philosophy... I'm just curious.

Feel free to add any comment you like.
I would rate myself at about 6.5, so you might not be too far off Caveat!

There's nothing bothering me too much these days, I have the odd day where I kick the cat (metaphoricaly speaking, I hasten to add!!), but I get over it quickly enough.
past 3 months prior to last thursday - a 5.
since last thursday - a 9. (had a small surgical procedure on thursday that has made life a lot easier).
I imagine Ill go back to a 7 in a few weeks when I get used to being pain free.
I just want to check the criteria before I answer- so to be happy ( 10) means you can't stop laughing? Because that doesnt sound very comfortable. And 1 means you can't stop crying? Actually both of those sound like medical conditions.
Where do people fit in who can't stop laughing, but it's a maniacal cackle?
Oh I'm easily at 8 - but then again I am a card carrying, flag waving, out of touch with reality, optimist
4 - 5, on a good day. "That Friday feelin" usually brings is up but the aul sunday night feelin manages to bring it right down to earth again!
Generally a 7-8.

Honestly (and this is pathetic), I sometimes read threads here and I feel jealous of some peoples earnings and low mortgages and general good wealth. I really do try to be grateful and happy to be in a good relationship, have both our families healthy, safe and happy, have our own home and both have jobs. I did say it was pathetic.....!
I'd say 8, I'm generally happy pretty much all of the time, I wake up happy so that's a good start Defo the wine glass is pretty much half full (until the weekends then its empty hic up!)