Archos Players?

The archos dvr is probably the single best purchase i have ever made!! at the time i bought it, 3 years ago it cost 600 euro but this included ALL periferals i.e. docking station, power adaptors, headphones, remote control etc, etc, etc.

At 100Gig it was by far the largest media player size available at the time

the price has come down significantly over the last few years probably as you have to buy the parts separetely!!

Buy it on the internet from an american site if possible, always cheapest! I bought a 120 gig one in New york earlier this year for less than 200 euro!!

by the way I still have my original one, 3 years old & working fine!!
Hi Ben10, Would you be willing to pass on the name of the store that you bought it in in New York? Thanks!
Quick question? If I buy an Archos in the U.S will it work in Ireland? Do I need to have a particular function on my T.V here or does it matter? Is it anything like a PAL version when buying a camcorder? Any advice would be gratefully received!
Hi Marg,

sorry i am only seeing your request now, the archos model i purchased is the av400 which unfortunetly is not available anymore, however the closest to this is would be the 405, 605 & 705, these have upgraded functionality such as wifi.
There should not be a problem with compatability if bought in the states as the archos supports most formats.

A good place to look, if you are in New York, is B&H. an interesting place to see even if you dont buy anything! its like willy wonkowitz's electronics factory!! as it is run by orthodox jews!
Hi Ben10,
I know the store - i bought a camcorder there in July. We arrived on a Saturday morning to find the place closed - couldn't figure out why they wouldn't open on a Saturday. Went back on Sunday and very quickly realised why!
When you mentioned New York I made a calculated guess that it might be there and I asked a relation to pick one up when she was there a couple of weeks ago. Worked out almost 40% cheaper than here. Haven't picked it up from her yet so can't make any comment on it as yet. Thanks for the help.