indicating that a possible 150 million or so people living in America believe aliens have visited the Earth at some stage.
Be interesting if the link between this and science could ever be explored. Copernican Principle, the idea that we do not have a special position in the universe might have been the first step.
Darwinists also led people to believe that life routinely develops under favorable conditions.
In our own lifetimes, scientists may also be fueling it:
"I think that mankind is on the threshold of entering a larger, cosmic community,"
Astronomer Robert Jastrow
"I used to rather enjoy thinking that the early civilizations would have set up an intercommunicating system Maybe laser beams or something full of information about all the other civilizations in the past history of the galaxy, and that this is all circulating . . . from star to star around the galaxy, and all we have to do is tap into it."
Astronomer Eric Carlson
Similiar pronouncments even had one christian write:
Who can tell what other cradle,
High above the Milky Way,
Still may rock the King of Heaven
On another Christmas Day?
And who could forget Carl Sagan with his billions and billions of stars and millions of habitable planets within our own galaxy.
And yet after nearly 50 years of searching for intelligence in radio signals from space, the universe remains silent and the human race would seem not as insignificant as Stephen Hawking et al would have us believe.