Archbishop in pot calling kettle black shock

Catholics are encouraged to question their beliefs as part of their religious life/path.

OK, but do they?

Even if they do I would guess that this 'questioning' would come from within their existing religious framework/mindset.

E.g. praying to God for strength/guidance because of doubts...why oh why God is there poverty/suffering etc
Thankfully Ireland and the Irish people now take any outburst by the men of cloth for what it is, useless, uninformed twaddle...
RTÉ don't and seem to grab every opportunity to drag the local clergy onto the TV/radio (usually the news) to give an authoritative opinion on any matter possible (e.g. local tragedy, job losses, socioeconomic issues, moral issues etc.).

I think there is a big leap there from fortune teller to Islam.
I disagree. Both involve blind faith and deliberate shunning of logic and reason.

Catholics are encouraged to question their beliefs as part of their religious life/path.
Really? I was never encouraged to do this when I underwent Catholic brainwashing as a child at school and at home.
Really? I was never encouraged to do this when I underwent Catholic brainwashing as a child at school and at home.

Maybe intentional? They probably all noticed at an early age that questioning from junior Clubman would only send you further into the hands of the heathens
The catholic church are a joke and have lost the respect of most people who have finally woken up to there misguided teachings.

Interesting turn of phrase. Respect is a very important word. I think its such a pity that people consider themselves Athetism/Agnostic (which is a spiritual choice in itself) an excuse or license to bash Catholics simply because thats the religion they were brought "forced" up in. Some people naively claim to be Athetist/Agnostic but they're not, their spiritual path is simply one big grudge against Catholism. I feel sorry for these people.

I would never treat your spiritual path with disrespect, please extend me the same courtesy and please extend your parents generation the same courtesy. Statements like
"useless, uninformed twaddle" and "catholic brainwashing" are disrespectful. Statements implying that entire generations (parents and grandparents) were foolish - are condescending and dis respectable.

Being an Athetist/Agnostic is a responsibility in itself, please invest your energy in that and not in "catholic bashing".

Ironically religion like many topics on AAM does come down to this - if you think its a "rip off" dont shop there.

BUT Please respect other peoples beliefs.
Really? I was never encouraged to do this when I underwent Catholic brainwashing as a child at school and at home.

The disrespectful phrase aside, yes I was, many times. The first time by a nun in religion class where I went to school (in transition year). Many times after that. And I do question my beliefs.
I'm sure that such people exist but I don't necessarily see any evidence that there are any here on this thread. Perhaps a bit of post hoc ergo propter hoc reasoning on your part there? Or simply a good old ad hominem attack?
I would never treat your spiritual path with disrespect
Why should beliefs based on blind faith and deliberate shunning of logic and reason necessarily and automatically be afforded "respect"? Personally I believe that anti-scientific beliefs deserve quite the opposite and are fundamentally dangerous.
Statement like ... "catholic brainwashing" is disrespectful.
You did not live my childhood so you are in no position to judge my comments on same.
BUT Please respect other peoples beliefs.
Everybody is free to believe in whatever they like but this does not mean that others must necessarily or automatically grant these beliefs "respect" or desist from criticising them.

This is my opinion. I don't like the catholic church. I have no time for them and the quicker they self destruct (which thankfully they are) the better for my liking.
My feelings have nothing to do with the Athetist/Agnostic system of belief/non belief but simply with my absolute hatred for the catholic church for the harm they have done to the people of this country (You don't need me to go into details here, or do you?) down through the years and the poision they tried to put into my brain in my primary school years.
Eh? You seem to be answering some question that was not asked. I merely stated my own experience and how it conflicted with what you stated earlier. I did not ask about yours.

My mistake, I thought you were asking me a question, sincere apologies. Feel free to delete it if you feel its off topic.
In fairness I think Casiopea may have been responding to the "really?" element of Clubman's post - which sort of invites a response.
Well there's somebody who is nailing his colours to the cross, sorry, mast!
In fairness I think Casiopea may have been responding to the "really?" element of Clubman's post - which sort of invites a response.
Sorry - that was meant to be rhetorical and I have delete a post of mine now that renders some of the above confusing. Never mind - no big deal in the wider context of this thread.
I am a little surprised by the strength of reaction from non\non-practising\lapsed\disillusioned Catholics to this story.

There are occasions when the Catholic Church wades into (or indeed starts) a debate on issues of public policy (education, social inequality and so on). This can give rise to the accusation that the Church is interfering in matters outside its proper jurisdiction - and althaough I think it is not a black and white issue, I must acknowledge that that is a reasonable argument to make.

However, what we have here is a sermon delivered by a Catholic Bishop to a Cathoic congregation who were gathered at a Catholic Shrine. If the Catholic Church tells its members to stop going to tarot card readers, to eat fish on Friday, to wear purple underwear on Tuesdays, or indeed to do or abstain from anything else which does not break any laws or impinge upon the non-Catholic members of our society, that is uniquely the Church's business.

Like most religions, Catholicism is not a democracy: if you want to be a Catholic, there are rules. If you are not, and don't want to be, a Catholic, their rules are of no concern to you as long as they don't impinge on you.

As long as Catholics do not try to impose their rules and teachings on others, what is there to discuss? In short, I don't see how this is even a matter for discussion or comment by anyone who is not a member of the Catholic Church.
Religious belief, of whatever denomination or kind, is by its very nature an act of faith. There has never been any evidence to prove it, therfore it remains unproven. It is therefore a theory, and like all other theories is open to debate, and criticism.
I think its such a pity that people consider themselves Athetism/Agnostic (which is a spiritual choice in itself) an excuse or license to bash Catholics simply because thats the religion they were brought "forced" up in.

I'd have to disagree with this. It's an ANTI-spiritual choice: we do not believe in any spirits whatsoever, whether God, Allah, Jehovah, Thor, Jupiter, the Great God Pan or the Great Spaghetti Monster..........I do not have a spiritual side; I have a humanistic side; my need for awe is fulfilled by my contemplation of nature, of the mysteries which we still study. The complexity of life on earth as it is now when it stared off with primordial sludge, the expanding universe. But this is not faith of any kind.
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As long as Catholics do not try to impose their rules and teachings on others, what is there to discuss? In short, I don't see how this is even a matter for discussion or comment by anyone who is not a member of the Catholic Church.

As long as RTE Television and Radio (to whom I pay €158 each year) give the catholic hierarchy a platform to speak I believe I can also attempt to dispell some of the propaganda they (the bishops) distribute.